Section 1. Unless otherwise ordered by the board, no indebtedness shall be incurred without the previous approval of the proper committee.
Sec. 2. No committee shall authorize an expense of more than $25 in any one month without having secured the sanction of the board in advance.
Sec. 3. No bill shall be recommended to be paid by the board until it has been approved by the proper committee in writing.
Sec. 4. All bills recommended for payment by the board shall be certified by the president and secretary.
Sec. 5. When bids are asked for supplies, furniture, repairs, labor, etc., they shall be made under seal, and shall only be opened at a meeting of the board or of the committee to which the matter has been referred.
Section 1. All reports, recommendations, and resolutions shall be submitted in writing.
Sec. 2. Reports of committees shall be signed by two members thereof.
Section 1. The terms of all regular employes shall continue until their successors are appointed. They shall be subject, however, to removal for cause, at any time, by a vote of the board.
Sec. 2. The president may suspend any employe, for cause, subject to the action of the board at its next meeting.
Sec. 3. The salaries of employes shall be fixed before their election.
Section 1. Subject to the direction of the board and the several committees, the librarian shall have supervisory charge, control, and management of the Library building and all of its appurtenances, as well as of all the employes in and about the same.
Sec. 2. He shall be held strictly responsible for the care and preservation of the property in charge of the board; the courtesy and efficiency of the library service; the accuracy of the records; the reliability of his accounts and statements; the classifying, cataloging, and shelving of the books; the enforcement of the rules; the cleanliness and good condition of the building, grounds, and sidewalks; and the proper heating, lighting, and ventilation of the building.
Sec 3. He shall attend the meetings of the board and assist the secretary in keeping his minutes and accounts.
Sec. 4. He shall keep an account, in permanent form, of all his receipts and expenses on behalf of the library, and report the same to the board monthly.
Sec. 5. He shall make a monthly report of the operations of the library, including a list of all accessions to the various departments of the same, whether by gift or purchase, with such recommendations as, in his opinion, will promote its efficiency.