A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

When a borrower returns a book the librarian can learn, from the date on the pocket, whether or no a fine should be paid on it; if not, he can, if in haste, immediately take out the borrower’s card from the book pocket, stamp the date of its return at the right of the date on which it was lent, thus canceling the charge against the borrower, and lay the book aside and look up its book-card later.

[Illustration:  No. 2.  Registration card, face. (Reduced; actual size, 7-1/2 x 12-1/2 cm.)

Name.  Geo. Brown No. 80
Residence. 72 Vernon. 
Employment.  Machinist. 
Employer.  Smith & Wesson’s. 
Place of business. 85 Main.]

[Illustration:  No. 3.  Registration card, reverse. (Reduced; actual size, 7-1/2 x 12-1/2 cm.)

Feb. 14, 1899.

I hereby declare that I am a resident of the City of Springfield, and in consideration of the right to use the Free City Library, agree to comply with all Regulations provided for its government.

George Brown.

I hereby certify that the above subscriber is a fit person to enjoy the privileges of the City Library, and that I will be responsible for any loss or injury the Library may sustain from the permission given to draw books in consequence of this certificate.

Signature (in ink)

Residing at No.  Street.]

Double and special borrowers’ cards are not needed under this system.  It accommodates itself readily to a “two-book” system.  On the book-cards belonging to the second book, and all other books after the first, which any borrower may take, the librarian writes the borrower’s number preceded by any letter or sign which will serve to indicate that these books are charged, not on the borrower’s card, but to the borrower direct, on the strength of a general permission to him to take more than one book.

[Illustration:  No. 4.  Overdue notice. (Postal card, reduced.)

The City Library Association, Springfield, Mass.  LITERATURE:  ART:  SCIENCE.

The Library:  Circulating Department.

The rules of the library require all books to be returned in two weeks.  Book No.  G647.2 stands charged to you (Card No. 1906) as taken from the library Feb. 2. ’99.

You are incurring a fine of two cents for every day’s detention.

If you think a mistake has been made, please notify us.

A charge of two cents is made for sending this notice.

The City Library.  Per B.

Present this notice with your library card.]

The postal notice no. 1, the registration cards 2 and 3, the notice that the book is overdue, no. 4, the fine slip, no. 5, all explain themselves.

Project Gutenberg
A Library Primer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.