The claims of the system may be summed up as follows: compared with other systems it is less expensive; more easily understood, remembered, and used; practical rather than theoretical; brief and familiar in its nomenclature; best for arranging pamphlets, sale duplicates, and notes, and for indexing; susceptible of partial and gradual adoption without confusion; more convenient in keeping statistics and checks for books off the shelves; the most satisfactory adaptation of the card catalog principle to the shelves. It requires less space to shelve the books; uses simpler symbols and fewer of them; can be expanded, without limit and without confusion or waste of labor, in both catalogs and on shelves, or in catalogs alone; checks more thoroughly and conveniently against mistakes; admits more readily numerous cross references; is unchangeable in its call-numbers, and so gives them in all places where needed, as given in no other system; in its index affords an answer to the greatest objection to class catalogs, and is the first satisfactory union of the advantages of the class and dictionary systems.
The Decimal system is used by a large number of libraries in this country, and has gained recognition and has been put to use by some librarians and men of science in Europe.
000 General Works 010 Bibliography. 020 Library Economy. 030 General Cyclopedias. 040 General Collections. 050 General Periodicals. 060 General Societies. 070 Newspapers. 080 Special Libraries. Polygraphy. 090 Book Rarities.
100 Philosophy 100 Metaphysics. 120 Special Metaphysical Topics. 130 Mind and Body. 140 Philosophical Systems. 150 Mental Faculties. Psychology. 160 Logic. 170 Ethics. 180 Ancient Philosophers. 190 Modern Philosophers.
200 Religion 210 Natural Theology. 220 Bible. 230 Doctrinal Theol. Dogmatics. 240 Devotional and Practical. 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial. 260 Church. Institutions. Work. 270 Religious History. 280 Christian Churches and Sects. 290 Non-Christian Religions.
300 Sociology 310 Statistics. 320 Political Science. 330 Political Economy. 340 Law. 350 Administration. 360 Associations and Institutions. 370 Education. 380 Commerce and Communication 390 Customs. Costumes. Folk-lore.
400 Philology 410 Comparative. 420 English. 430 German. 440 French. 450 Italian. 460 Spanish. 470 Latin. 480 Greek. 490 Minor Languages.
500 Natural Science 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. 530 Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology. 560 Paleontology. 570 Biology. 580 Botany. 590 Zoology.
600 Useful Arts 610 Medicine. 620 Engineering. 630 Agriculture. 640 Domestic Economy. 650 Communication and Commerce 660 Chemical Technology. 670 Manufactures. 680 Mechanic Trades. 690 Building.
700 Fine Arts 710 Landscape Gardening. 720 Architecture. 730 Sculpture. 740 Drawing, Design, Decoration. 750 Painting. 760 Engraving. 770 Photography. 780 Music. 790 Amusements.