Plummer, M.W. Hints to small libraries, 1898. Truslove & Comba, N.Y., 50 cents.
Public library handbook, by the Public library, Denver, 1894. Out of print.
Publishers’ trade list annual, 1900, v. 28. Office of the Publishers’ weekly, N.Y., $2. Catalogs of all important American publishers bound together in one volume.
Reference catalog of current literature, 1898. Catalogs of English publishers, bound in one volume and indexed. J. Whitaker & Sons, London, $5.
Rules for an author and title catalog, condensed. See Cutter, Rules for a dictionary catalog, 1891, p. 99-103. Sent from the United States Bureau of education, Washington, free. These are the rules adopted by the American Library Association.
Sonnenschein, W.S. Best books, readers’ guide, 1891. Sonnenschein, London, $8. Gives author, title, publisher and price of about 50,000 carefully selected and carefully classified books.
Sonnenschein, W.S. Reader’s guide to contemporary literature (50,000v.), supplement to Best books, 1895. Sonnenschein, London, $6.50.
Subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs, Library Bureau, 1898, $2. In a small library this is not needed, but it will save trouble to get it.
Lawrence, I. Classified reading. A list with publishers and prices of books for the school, the library, and the home, 1898. Normal school, St Cloud, Minn., $1.25.
Iles, George. List of books for girls and women and their clubs, 1895. Library Bureau, $1.
World’s library congress, papers prepared for, held at World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. United States Bureau of education, Washington, D.C., free. Covers very fully the entire field of library economy.
Book news, monthly. Wanamaker, Philadelphia, 50 cents. (Book reviews.)
Dial, semi-monthly, 24 Adams St., Chicago, $2. (Book reviews, notes and essays.)
Literature, weekly. Harper & Bros., N.Y., $4. (Current English and American literature.)
Nation, weekly. New York, $3. (Book reviews, art, politics.)
Publishers’ weekly, the American book trade journal, 59 Duane St., N.Y., $5. (Lists nearly all American and best English books as published.)
Library journal, monthly, $5 a year, 58 Duane St., New York. This is the official organ of the American Library Association.
Public libraries, monthly, $1 a year, 215 Madison St., Chicago. Presents library methods in a manner especially helpful to small libraries.
New York Times Saturday review of books and art. The Times, N.Y., $1.
Monthly cumulative book index. An author, title, and subject index to the books published during the current year, brought up to date in one alphabet each month. Morris & Wilson, Minneapolis, Minn., $1.50