I, The beginnings—Library law 9
II, Preliminary work 10
III, What does a public library do for a community? 12
IV, General policy of the library 15
V, Trustees 17
VI, The librarian 20
VII, The trained librarian 23
VIII, Rooms, building, fixtures, furniture 25
IX, Things needed in beginning work 30
X, The Library Bureau 35
XI, Selecting books 39
XII, Reference books for a small library 46
XIII, Reference work 53
XIV, Reading room 57
XV, List of periodicals 61
XVI, Buying books 63
XVII, Ink and handwriting 69
XVIII, Care of books 73
XIX, Accessioning 76
XX, Classifying 78
XXI, Decimal classification 81
XXII, Expansive classification 84
XXIII, Author numbers or book marks 91
XXIV, Shelf list 92
XXV, Cataloging 94
XXVI, Preparing books for the shelf 99
XXVII, Binding and mending 103
XXVIII, Pamphlets 108
XXIX, Public documents 110
XXX, Checking the library 113
XXXI, Lists, bulletins, and printed catalogs 114
XXXII, Charging systems 116
XXXIII, Meeting the public 122
XXXIV, The public library for the public 123
XXXV, Advice to a librarian 126
XXXVI, The librarian as a host 128
XXXVII, Making friends for the library 131
XXXVIII, Public libraries and recreation 133
XXXIX, Books as useful tools 134
XL, Village library successfully managed 135
XLI, Rules for the public 137