The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.

The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.

Sec.15.  Where, and by whom, are the duties or customs collected?

Chapter XXXIII.

Sec.1.  What is navigation?

Sec.2.  What is tunnage? Tunnage duties?  For what purpose were these duties laid?  Why were they called discriminating duties?

Sec.3.  What has been their effect?  What has caused their discontinuance?

Sec.4.  How are vessels registered?

Sec.5.  What is a manifest?  A clearance?

Sec.6.  At whose request are passports furnished to vessels?  What is a passport?  By whom given?

Sec.7.  How is the safety of passengers and crew provided for?

Sec.8.  Define quarantine.  What has congress enacted in relation to quarantines?

Sec.9.  Why was power given to congress to regulate internal commerce, or commerce among the states?

Sec.10.  Why the power to regulate commerce with the Indian tribes?

Chapter XXXIV.

Sec.1.  What were the disqualifications of aliens by the common law?  Why are these disqualifications deemed proper?

Sec.2.  When ought they to be removed?  Why should the rule of naturalization be uniform?

Sec.3.  Describe the manner in which an alien is naturalized.

Sec.4.  How do alien minors become citizens?

Sec.5.  What is a bankrupt?  A bankrupt law?  What is the object of such laws?

Sec.6.  Why is the power to pass them given to congress?  Why should they be uniform?

Sec.7.  Why is the power to coin money and regulate its value given to congress?  What change in the system of reckoning has been effected?

Sec.8.  At what places is money coined?  What is bullion?

Sec.9.  Why is the power to fix the standard of weights and measures vested in congress?

Sec.10.  Why has congress the power to provide for punishing the counterfeiting of the securities and coin of the United States?

Chapter XXXV.

Sec.1.  Why is the power to establish post-offices given to congress?

Sec.2.  How are useful arts and sciences promoted?

Sec.3.  How does an author of a work proceed in procuring a copy-right?  By whom, and where, is the title recorded?

Sec.4.  What else must the author do?  For how many years is the right obtained?  For what term, and how, may the right be continued?

Sec.5.  Where are patents for inventions obtained?  How does the inventor proceed?

Sec.6.  How much must he pay before his petition is considered?  For what term are patents granted?  For what term may they be renewed?

Chapter XXXVI.

Sec.1.  Define piracy and felony.  Why is the power to define and punish these crimes given to congress?

Project Gutenberg
The Government Class Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.