The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.

The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.
Religion, freedom in matters of, secured, 163
Representative, defined, 27, 28
Representatives, state, how apportioned and elected, 37-39
                 qualifications of, 40
Representatives in congress, how apportioned, 105
                qualifications of, 104, 105
Reprieve and pardon, defined, and power to grant, 49, 143
Reprisals, power to make, forbidden to states, 136
Reprisals in war, 229, 230
Republic, defined, 26
Republican government, guarantied to the states, 159
Respondent, defined, 69
Revenue, defined, 80
         national, how raised, 112-114
Revolution, causes of, 94-97
Rhode Island, constitution of, 243
Rights and liberty, defined, 18-20
Rights of person and property, defined, 18, 19, 167
Right of property, how acquired, 16, 177
Right by prescription, 184-186
Right of way, law concerning, 183, 184
Right of waters, 183, 185
Right of search, 236
Riot, defined, and how suppressed, 220
Roads, (see Highways.)
Robbery, defined, 218

School funds, schools, &c., 79-82
Sealer of weights and measures, duty of, 59
Secretary of state, of state government, 50
Secretary of state of the United States, duties of, 148
          of the treasury, 148
          of the interior, 149
          of war, 149
          of the navy, 149
Selectmen, duties of, 57
Senate, state, how constituted, 38-40
Senators and representatives, qualifications of, 40
         (See State Constitutions.)
Senate of the United States, how formed, 108, 109
       qualifications of members of, 111
       vacancies in, how filled, 110, 111
Sergeant-at-arms, appointment and duties of, 42
Servants, rights and liabilities of, 176, 177
Sheriff and shire, origin of, 53, 54
        powers and duties of, 55
Slander and libel, law concerning, 168, 169
Slave trade, not to be prohibited before 1808, 131, 132
             declared piracy, 132
Society, civil, defined, 17
         mankind fitted for, 15-17
South Carolina, constitution of, 256
Sovereignty, defined, 24
Speaker of house and senate, 41
Specialty, defined, 283
Spies in war, 233
State and nation, defined, 17
State constitutions, synopsis of, 239-280
State officers, executive, 50-52
State records, effect and proof of, 156, 157
State printer, appointment and business of, 52
Statute law, defined, 167
Stocks, public, defined, 84
Stratagems in war, 233
Subpoena, nature and service of, 65
Summons, suits commenced by, 64-66
Superintendent of schools, duties of, 52, 81
Supervisors, board of, of whom composed, 54
             of towns, duties of, 54, 57
             of highways, duties of, 58
Surveyor of county, 56
Surveyor-general, duties of, 52
Swearing, profane, unlawful, 221
Synopsis of the state constitutions, 239-280

Project Gutenberg
The Government Class Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.