The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.

The Government Class Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about The Government Class Book.
Despotism, defined, 25
Devise of property, 177
Diplomacy, defined, 148
District of Columbia, power of congress over, 130
Dividends, defined, 86
Domestic relations, laws regulating, 171-177
Dower, defined, and right of, 183
Drunkards, contracts made by, when binding, 191
Dueling, defined, 219
Duties, imposts and excises, defined, 113
        power of congress to lay, 113
        of tunnage, states may not lay, 120
        protective, by what authority laid, 116, 117

Easement, defined, (see Right of Way,) 183
Education, provision for, &c., 79
Elections, time of, how conducted, &c., 32-35
           by plurality, 34-35
           by majority, 34-35
Electors, qualifications of, 29-31
          (See also Synopsis of the State Constitutions.)
Electors of president and vice-president, how chosen, 140
Embassadors, ministers, &c, 144, 145
             their appointment and duties, 144, 145
Embassadors, rights and powers of, 226, 227
Embezzlement, defined, 218
Envoys, (see Embassadors.)
Escapes, persons aiding or permitting, punishable, 220
Excise, defined, and power to lay, 112, 113
Execution, issuing and collection of, in justices’ courts, 67, 68
           exemption from, 68
Executive department, state, 36, 48-50
          of the United States, 138-142
          officers of, their appointment and duties, 147-150
Executors, powers and duties of, 179
Ex post facto laws, passage of, prohibited, 133,137

Factor or agent, powers and responsibilities of, 202, 203
False imprisonment, defined, 220
Federal, defined, 101
Fence-viewers, duties of, 58
Fee and fee-simple, defined, 182, 186
Felony, power of congress to define and punish, 128
Florida, constitution of, 258
Forgery, defined, 218
Franchise, defined, 31
Franking privilege, to whom granted, 151
Fraudulent sales, assignments, &c., 197, 200
Freedom of speech and of the press, guarantied, 163
Freehold, freeholder, defined, 31
Fugitives from justice, provision for the apprehension of, 157
          from service, apprehension and return of, 157, 158
Fund, defined, 79
Funds, various kinds of, 79-81

Georgia, constitution of, 257
Government, civil, defined, 17
            different forms of, 23-26
            division of powers of, 35-37
Governor and lieutenant-governor, election and duties of, 48-50
Graves, opening of, punishable, 219
Great Britain, government of, 28, 29
Habeas corpus, privilege of writ of, guarantied, 132
Hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, defined, 183
Highways, supervision and oversight of, 68
Homicide, various kinds of, defined, 217
Husband and wife, laws regulating the relation of, 171-174

Project Gutenberg
The Government Class Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.