A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717).

A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717).


MAY, 1946:  Series I, No. 1—­Richard, Blackmore’s Essay upon Wit
(1716), and Addison’s Freeholder No. 45

JULY, 1946:  Series II, No. 1—­Samuel Cobb’s Of Poetry and
Discourse on Criticism (1707).

SEPT., 1946:  Series III, No. 1—­Anon., Letter to A. H. Esq.;
concerning the Stage
(1698), and Richard Willis’
Occasional Paper No.  IX (1698).

Nov., 1946:  Series I, No. 2—­Anon., Essay on Wit (1748),
together with Characters by Flecknoe, and Joseph
Warton’s Adventurer Nos. 127 and 133.

JAN., 1947:  Series II, No. 2—­Samuel Wesley’s Epistle to a
Friend Concerning Poetry
(1700) and Essay on
Heroic Poetry

MARCH, 1947:  Series III, No. 2—­Anon., Representation of the
Impiety and Immorality of the Stage
(1704) and
anon., Some Thoughts Concerning the Stage


MAY, 1947:  Series I, No. 3—­John Gay’s The Present State of
; and a section on Wit from The English
.  With an Introduction by Donald Bond.

JULY, 1947:  Series II, No. 3—­Rapin’s De Carmine Pastorali,
translated by Creech.  With an Introduction by J.E. 

SEPT., 1947:  Series III, No. 3—­T.  Hanmer’s (?) Some Remarks on
the Tragedy of Hamlet
.  With an Introduction by
Clarence D. Thorpe.

Nov., 1947:  Series I, No. 4—­Corbyn Morris’ Essay towards
Fixing the True Standards of Wit, etc
.  With an
Introduction by James L. Clifford.

JAN., 1948:  Series II, No. 4—­Thomas Purney’s Discourse on the
.  With an Introduction by Earl Wasserman.

MARCH, 1948:  Series III, No. 4—­Essays on the Stage, selected,
with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch.

The list of publications is subject to modification in response to requests by members.  From time to time Bibliographical Notes will be included in the issues.  Each issue contains an Introduction by a scholar of special competence in the field represented.

    The Augustan Reprints are available only to members.  They will
    never be offered at “remainder” prices.


  RICHARD C. BOYS, University of Michigan
  EDWARD NILES HOOKER, University of California, Los Angeles
  H.T.  SWEDENBERG, JR., University of California, Los Angeles


  EMMET L. AVERY, State College of Washington
  LOUIS I. BREDVOLD, University of Michigan
  BENJAMIN BOYCE, University of Nebraska
  CLEANTH BROOKS, Louisiana State University
  JAMES L. CLIFFORD, Columbia University
  ARTHUR FRIEDMAN, University of Chicago
  SAMUEL L. MONK, University of Minnesota
  JAMES SUTHERLAND, Queen Mary College, London

Project Gutenberg
A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.