| | | Forrest | |saved |squall, in lat.
| | | | | |21 deg. long.
| | | | | |61 deg. west.
Grappler, | Dec. 20, 1803| |Abel Wantn. | 50| None |On the Isle de
Gun-boat | | | Thomas | | |Chausey,
| | | | | |Jersey.
Garland |Sept. 10, 1803| 24 |Frederick |135| None |Caracol Reef,
| | | Cotterell | | |off St.
| | | | | |Domingo.
Georgiana, |Sept. 25, 1804| |Joshua | | None |On a sand-bank
G.-boat | | | Kneeskarn | | |near Harfleur.
Griper | Feb. 18, 1807| 10 |Edward Morris | 50| All |Off Ostend.
Greyhound | Oct. 11, 1808| 32 |Hon. W. |215| 1 |On the coast of
| | | Pakenham | | |Lemonia.
Glommen, | Nov. 1809| 18 |Charles |100| None |In Carlisle
Sloop | | | Pickford | | |Bay, Barbados.
Guachapin, | July 7, 1811| 10 |Michael | | None |On Rat Island,
Brig | | | Jenkins | | |Antigua.
Grouper, | Oct. 21, 1811| 4 |James Atkins | 40| None |Off Guadaloupe.
Brig | | | | | |
Goshawk, |Sept. 21, 1813| 16 |Hon. W.J. | 95| None |To the eastward
Sloop | | | Napier | | |of the Mole
| | | | | |Head,
| | | | | |Barcelona.
Hussar | Dec. 24, 1796| 28 |James Colnett |195| None |In a gale of
| | | | | |wind to the
| | | | | |westward of the
| | | | | |Island of Bass,
| | | | | |France.
Helena, | Nov. 3, 1796 | 14 |Jeremiah J. | 86| All |On the coast of
Sloop | | | Symons | | |Holland.
Hamadryad | Dec. 24, 1797| 36 |Thomas |264| None |Blown on shore
| | | Elphinstone | | |in Algier Bay.
Hermes | Jan. 1797| 14 |William Malso | 76| All |Place unknown.
Hunter, | Dec. 27, 1797| 14 |Tudor Tucker | 80| 75 |Wrecked on Hog
Sloop | | | | | |Island, off
| | | | | |Virginia.
Hound, |Sept. 26, 1800| 16 |Wm. Jas. |235| None |Near Shetland.
Sloop | | | Turquand | | |
Harwich | Nov. 9, 1801| 16 |Phillip |121| None |In St. Aubin’s
| | | Bartholomew | | |Bay, Jersey.
Hindostan, | Mar. 20, 1804| 20 |John Le Gros |140| 3 |Burnt in Bay of
Store-sh | | | | | |Rosas.
Hussar | Feb. 8, 1804| 38 |Philip |284| None |On the Saintes
| | | Wilkinson | | |in the Bay of