Captain | Mar. 22, 1813| 74 |In Ordinary |590| None |Burnt in
| | | | | |Hamoaze,
| | | | | |Plymouth.
Crane, |Sept. 30, 1814| 14 |Robert |121| All |Foundered in the
Sloop | | | Stanley | | | West Indies.
Cuttle, | 1814| 4 | | 20| All |Exact date
Gun-boat | | | | | |unknown, on the
| | | | | |Halifax Station.
Cygnet, | 1815| 16 |Robert Russel |121| All |Date unknown,
Sloop | | | | | |off the
| | | | | |Courantine
| | | | | |River.
Comus | Nov. 4, 1816| 22 |J. John G. |175| None |Off Cape Pine,
| | | Bremer | | |Newfoundland.
Carron |July. 6, 1820| |John Furneaux |135| 19 |Four miles to
| | | | | |the north of
| | | | | |the Black
| | | | | |Pagoda, Poorie.
Confiance, |April 21, 1822| 18 |W.T. Morgan |100| |Between Moyin
Sloop | | | | | |Head and Three
| | | | | |Castle Head,
| | | | | |Crookhaven.
Columbine, | Jan. 25, 1824| 18 |Chas. Abbott |100| None |In the harbor
Sloop | | | | | |of Port Longue,
| | | | | |Island of
| | | | | |Sapienza.
Cynthian, | June 6, 1827| 6 |John White | 28| None |Off the Island
Pack.-brig| | | | | |of Barbados.
Cambrian | Jan. 31, 1828| 48 |G.W. Hamilton |275| None |Off Carabusa,
| | | | | |Mediterranean,
| | | | | |in attacking
| | | | | |pirates.
Contest, |April 14, 1828| 12 |Edw. | 50| All |On Halifax
Gun-boat | | | Plaggenborg | | |Station.
Calypso, | 1833| 6 |H. Peyton | 30| All |In passage from
Packet | | | | | |Halifax to
| | | | | |England.
Challenger | May 19, 1835| 28 |Michael |160| 2 |Coast of
| | | Seymour | | |Moquilla,
| | | | | |Conception,
| | | | | |Chili.
Diomede | Aug. 2, 1795| 44 |Matthew Smith |294| |Striking on a
| | | | | |sunken rock off
| | | | | |Trincomalee.
Deux Amis, | May 23, 1799| |Mr. Samuel | | None |In Great Chine,
Schoon. | | | Wilson | | |Isle of Wight.