Sword and crozier, drama in five acts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Sword and crozier, drama in five acts.

Sword and crozier, drama in five acts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Sword and crozier, drama in five acts.

Botolf.—­I shall not discuss the more hidden meanings; but in the last stanza Likabong certainly is silent with shame.

Helga.—­Far from it, sir bishop!  Likabong is Moses, who is praying with outstretched arms whilst Josua is giving battle.  When the battle is won his hands drop with weariness.

Botolf (to KOLBEIN THE YOUNG).—­Likabong did not weep when you fled from Broddi and the Holy Church at Holar, which was preparing to resist worldly insolence.

Kolbein.—­No, excepting it shed tears at having to part with its bishop in such headlong haste!

Helga.—­I had heard before that the ‘Peace of God’ which the bishop let be pealed over the land had saved us from complete rout at the beginning of the feud.  But now I hear for the first time that my husband fled before Broddi and the Holy Church of Holar.

Kolbein.—­Never did I flee, but at that occasion I was forced to avoid trouble. (Advances on the floor and mounts with one foot on the dais on which HELGA is seated.) Here I place my foot on the beam and make a vow that I shall never flee before Broddi Thorleifsson. (Returns to his seat.)

Asbjorn.—­And here I place my foot on the beam and make a vow that if battle there will be I shall exchange blows with Broddi Thorleifsson until one of us fall dead.

Helga.—­Well spoken, Asbjorn!

Haf (comes from the door).—­Brand Kolbeinsson is approaching with an armed band.

Kolbein.—­Is my kinsman beside himself?

Helga.—­To arms!  To arms!

Kolbein (laughs).—­Why, it seems as if the people of Oddi want to enter the fray!

Helga.—­You have forgotten, my husband, that my father threw down the glove single-handed to all the burghers of Bergentown, because of the drowning of my brother Paul.

(The men are standing with drawn swords along both sides of the hall, leaving a lane in the middle.  BRAND, BRODDI, ALF, and the other slayers of THOROLF pass up it.  LADY JORUN in a man’s apparel and DEACON SIGURD follow them.  Last of all HELGI SKAFTASON.)

Helga.—­There we see each other again, Helgi Skaftason! (Points down with the thumb of her right hand.  HELGI is killed and dragged out without the other slayers of THOROLF becoming aware of it.  EINAR THE RICH enters again with the men of KOLBEIN, who dragged out HELGI. He joins the band of BRAND. The axe of HELGI remains lying on the spot where he fell.)

Brand.—­Hail, Kolbein kinsman!

Broddi.—­Hail, brother-in-law!  What truce shall we have?

Helga.—­The same as had Thorolf Bjarnason!

Broddi.—­I care not to quarrel with women about my life!

Helga.—­It is too late for the fox to fight for life, once he has gone into the trap.

Project Gutenberg
Sword and crozier, drama in five acts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.