“Come here! Come here, quickly, Uncle Wiggily! Did you ever see such a sight in all your born days?”
“What is it?” asked the rabbit, as he hopped in, and he was half afraid that there might be a burglar fox hiding in the pussy’s house.
But it wasn’t anything like that. Instead the rabbit saw the pussy pointing to her bed, and there, right in the middle of the feather pillows, were some eggs.
“The cowbird’s eggs!” cried the kittie. “That’s what she meant when she said some one was going to be surprised. Indeed, I am the one who is surprised. She brought her eggs here, thinking I would hatch them out for her, but I’ll not do it!”
So the pussy threw the eggs out of the window, on some soft straw, where they wouldn’t be broken, and pretty soon that cowbird came back, as angry as a lion without any tail. And she grabbed up her eggs, and this time she took them to the monkey, who played five hand-organs at once. And the monkey was a good-natured sort of a chap, so he hatched out the cowbird’s eggs for her, and soon he had a lot of little calfbirds, and when they grew up they gave him no end of trouble.
“Well, now you are safe home,” said Uncle Wiggily to the pussy, “I will travel on.”
“First, let me fill your valise with something to eat,” said the kittie cat, and she did so, and then the rabbit hopped on. He looked all over for his fortune, but he couldn’t find it, and pretty soon it got dark night and he went to sleep in a hollow stump.
“Surely, I will find my fortune to-day,” thought Uncle Wiggily, as he arose the next morning, and combed out his whiskers. It was a bright, beautiful sunshiny morning, and everything was cheerful, and the birds were singing. But, in spite of all that, something happened to the rabbit.
He was just going past a berry bush, and he was reaching up to pick off some of the red raspberries, when all at once a sharp claw was thrust out from the bush and a grab was made for the rabbit.
“Now, I’ve got you!” cried a savage voice.
“No, you haven’t!” exclaimed Uncle Wiggily, and he jumped back just as a savage wolf sprang out at him.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll get you yet!” went on the wolf and he made another spring. But the rabbit was ready for him and ran down the hill and the wolf ran after him, howling at the top of his grillery-growlery voice, for he was very hungry.
My! how Uncle Wiggily did run. And the wolf ran also, and he was catching up to the rabbit, and probably would have eaten him all up, but just then a kind bumble bee who knew Uncle Wiggily flew off a tree branch and stung that wolf on the end of his nose.
That wolf gave a howl, and made one more grab for Uncle Wiggily, but he only managed to catch hold of his coat tails in his teeth, and there the wolf held on.
“Let go of Uncle Wiggily!” buzzed the bee.
“No I won’t!” cried the wolf, most impolite-like.