The Ramrodders eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 409 pages of information about The Ramrodders.

The Ramrodders eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 409 pages of information about The Ramrodders.

The young man could not discuss with this cheerful suppliant his indignant resolve not to be a legislator.

“You’ll have to stay home here and look after Grandfather Thornton, Bob,” he hedged.

“Oh, thunder!  He’s goin’ right down to spend the winter with you.  Was tellin’ Mr. Presson so when they et just now.  Said you’d be needin’ a steerin’ committee of just his bigness!”

Harlan got up and kicked his chair from under him.  It went over with a clatter.  To his infinite relief he had suddenly recovered some of that wrathful determination that Ivus Niles’s sneers had given him earlier in the evening.

Thelismer Thornton heard him coming.

“Pretty heavy on his heels, the boy is!” he observed to the State chairman.  “He’s been licking his dander around in a circle till he’s got it rearing.”

The young man halted, erect before his grandfather, but again the old man got in the first word.

“I’m going to give you all the time to talk in you want, bub.  I was a little short with you to-day, when I was stirred up, but no more of that!  Say all you want to.  And I’m going to give you a little advice about starting in.  Now—­now—­now!  Hold on.  I know just how you feel.  I don’t blame you for feeling that way.  But it had to be done just as I did it—­all of it!  Now you ought to start in with me just the way Sol Lurchin was advised to when he wanted to tackle Cola Jordan, who had done him on a horse-trade.  Sol went to old Squire Bain, and says he to the Squire, ’I want to stay inside the law in this.  I don’t want him to get no legal hold on me.  But I want to talk to him.  Now, what’ll I say so’s to give him what’s comin’ and still be legal?’ ‘Well,’ says old Squire, rubbing his hands together, ’you’ve got to start easy, you know.  You want to start easy, so’s to make the climax worth something.  Now, let’s see!  Well, suppose you walk up to him and say, “You spawn of the pike-eyed sneak that Herod hired to kill babies, you low-down, contemptible son of a body-snatcher, you was born a murderer, but lacked the courage and became a horse-thief!” There, Sol, start in easy like that and gradually work up to a climax, and you’ll have him going—­and all inside the law.  Two dollars, please!’”

The Duke leaned back in his chair and nested his head in his big hands.  He gazed up meekly at his chafing grandson.

“Start in easy, bub, like that, and work up to your climax.  I know just how you feel!”

But just at that moment the chairman of the State Committee was laughing too loudly for any dignified protest to be heard.

Project Gutenberg
The Ramrodders from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.