Therewith in haste his helmet gan unlace,[*]
Till Una cried, O hold that heavie hand,
Deare Sir, what ever that thou be in place:
Enough is, that thy foe doth vanquisht
Now at thy mercy: Mercie not withstand:
For he is one the truest knight alive,
Though conquered now he lie on lowly land,
And whilest him fortune favourd, faire
did thrive
In bloudie field: therefore of life him not deprive.
Her piteous words might not abate his rage,
But rudely rending up his helmet, would
Have slaine him straight: but when
he sees his age,
And hoarie head of Archimago old,
His hasty hand he doth amazed hold,
And halfe ashamed, wondred at the sight:
For that old man well knew he, though
untold, 340
In charmes and magicke to have wondrous
Ne ever wont in field,[*] ne in round lists to fight;
And said, Why Archimago, lucklesse syre,
What doe I see? what hard mishap is this,
That hath thee hither brought to taste
mine yre? 345
Or thine the fault, or mine the error
Instead of foe to wound my friend amis?
He answered nought, but in a traunce still
And on those guilefull dazed eyes of his
The cloude of death did sit. Which
doen away, 350
He left him lying so, ne would no lenger stay:
But to the virgin comes, who all this while
Amased stands, her selfe so mockt to see
By him, who has the guerdon of his guile,
For so misfeigning her true knight to
bee: 355
Yet is she now in more perplexitie,
Left in the hand of that same Paynim bold,
From whom her booteth not at all to flie;
Who, by her cleanly garment catching hold,
Her from her Palfrey pluckt, her visage to behold.
But her fierce servant, full of kingly awe
And high disdaine, whenas his soveraine
So rudely handled by her foe he sawe,
With gaping jawes full greedy at him came,
And ramping on his shield, did weene the
same 365
Have reft away with his sharpe rending
But he was stout, and lust did now inflame
His corage more, that from his griping
He hath his shield redeem’d, and foorth his
swerd he drawes.
O then too weake and feeble was the forse
Of salvage beast, his puissance to withstand:
For he was strong, and of so mightie corse,
As ever wielded speare in warlike hand,
And feates of armes did wisely understand.
Eftsoones he perced through his chaufed
chest 375
With thrilling point of deadly yron brand,
And launcht his Lordly hart: with
death opprest
He roar’d aloud, whiles life forsooke his stubborne