The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.

The Empire of Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about The Empire of Russia.
  Alexis succeeds Romanow, 291. 
  Feodor succeeds Alexis, 299. 
  Sophia (as regent) succeeds Feodor, 303. 
  Peter I. succeeds Sophia, 310. 
  Catharine succeeds Peter I., 364. 
  Peter II. succeeds Catharine, 365. 
  Anne succeeds Peter II., 367. 
  Ivan V. succeeds Anne, 368. 
  Elizabeth succeeds Ivan V., 369. 
  Peter III. succeeds Elizabeth, 387. 
  Catharine II. succeeds Peter III, 403. 
  Paul I. succeeds Catharine II., 454. 
  Alexander succeeds Paul I., 471. 
  Nicholas succeeds Alexander I., 502. 
  Alexander II. succeeds Nicholas, 517. 
  During the Tartar reign, only the Tartar conqueror is usually given.

Church built at Cherson, 55.
  built on the site of the idol of Peroune, 56.

Civilization, the Russians indebted to the Greeks for their, 168.

Commerce of Russia, 113.
  between England and Russia, 247.
  increase of, 249.

Constantine (prince of Yaroslavle) claims the throne, 104.
  turns Kostroma, 104.
  ascends the imperial throne, 108.
  effeminacy of, 108.
  death of, 109.

Constantine resigns his right to the throne, 498.

Constantinople, the city of, 168.

“Court Favorite” office of the, 430.

Crimea, taken possession of by Vladimir, 54.

Crusaders driven from the imperial city, 103.

Cyrille (bishop of Novgorod) effects a treaty between Novgorod and the
  Tartars, 131.


Dacia, the countries forming the province of, 19.
  conquered and divided by Trajan, 19.

Daniel (of Gallicia) attempts of, to emancipate Russia, 126.
  crowned emperor, 126.

Daniel (prince of Moscow) declares independence, 134.

Davidovitch (of Tchernigof) invited to seize the throne of Russia, 82.
  driven from the throne by Rostislaf, 83.
  flight of, to Moscow, 83.

Danielovitch (Jean) appointed Grand Prince by the Tartars, 142.
  reign and death of, 143.

Diana, temple of, burned at Ephesus, 19.

Diderot, Visit of, to Catharine, and her correspondence with him, 423.

Dimsdale (Dr. Thomas) introduces inoculation, 411.

Discoveries during the reign of Ivan, 190.

Dnieper, baptism of the nation in the, 56.
  plunder of the commerce on the, 86.

Dimitri ascends the throne, 133.
  drives Andre from Novgorod, 133.
  disasters and death of, 134.

Dimitri (son of Michel) assassinates Georges, 140.
  execution of, 141.

Dmitri (of Souzdal) accession of, to the throne, 146.
  deposed, 146.

Dmitri (of Moscow) crowned sovereign, 146.
  conquers the Tartars, 147.
  wounded, 152.
  death of, 156.

Dmitri Chemyaka assumes the government, 166;
  death of, 166.

Dmitri (prince, son of Ivan IV.) assassination of, 274. 
  Griska claims to be, 278.
  see Griska.

Project Gutenberg
The Empire of Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.