A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 1.

A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 1.

The Quakers try the lawfulness of these diversions again by the morality of the New-Testament They adopt, in the first place, upon this occasion, the idea of George Fox and of Edward Burroughs, which has been already stated; and they follow it up in the manner which I shall now explain.

They believe that a man under the new covenant, or one who is really a christian, is a renovated man.  As long as Adam preserved his primeval innocence, or continued in the image of his Maker, his spiritual vision was clear.  When he lost this image, it became dim, short, and confused.  This is the case, the Quakers believe, with every apostate or wicked man.  He sees through a vitiated medium.  He sees of course nothing of the harmony of the creation.  He has but a confused knowledge of the natures and ends of things.  These natures and these ends he never examines as he ought, but in the confusion of his moral vision, he abuses and perverts them.  Hence it generally happens, that an apostate man is cruel to his brute.  But in proportion as he is restored to the divine image, or becomes as Adam was before he fell, or in proportion as he exchanges earthly for spiritual views, he sees all things through a clearer medium.  It is then, the Quakers believe, that the creation is open to him, and that he finds his creator has made nothing in vain.  It is then that he knows the natures of things; that he estimates their uses and their ends, and that he will never stretch these beyond their proper bounds.  Beholding animals in this sublime light, he will appreciate their strength, their capacities, and their feelings; and he will never use them but for the purposes intended by providence.  It is then that the creation will delight him.  It is then that he will find a growing love to the animated objects of it.  And this knowledge of their natures, and this love of them, will oblige him to treat them with tenderness and respect.  Hence all animals will have a security in the breast of every christian or renovated man against oppression or abuse.  He will never destroy them wantonly, nor put them to unnecessary pain.  Now the Quakers are of opinion, that every person, who professes christianity, ought to view things as the man, who is renovated, would view them, and that it becomes them therefore in particular, as a body of highly professing christians, to view them in the same manner.  Hence they uniformly look upon animals, not as brute-machines, to be used at discretion, but as the creatures of God, of whose existence the use and intention ought always to be considered, and to whom duties arise out of this spiritual feeling, independently of any written law in the Old-Testament, or any grant or charter, by which their happiness might be secured.

Project Gutenberg
A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.