of our great Misfortunes is, that we have neither an
English or Dutch Man of War in the Harbour.
Some of their Carpenters and Sailors would have been
of great use to me on this occasion, in helping to
prop up my House; for as the Weather, which has hitherto
been remarkably fair, seems to threaten us with heavy
Rains, it will be impossible for the Refugees in my
Garden to hold out much longer; and how to find Rooms
in my House for them all I am at a loss to devise;
the Floors of most of them shaking under our Feet;
and must consequently be too weak to bear any fresh
number of Inhabitants. The Roads for the first
Days having been impracticable, it was but yesterday
I had the Honour in Company with M. de la Calmette,
of waiting on the King of Portugal, and all
the Royal Family at Belem, whom we found encamped;
none of the Royal Palaces being fit to harbour Them.
Though the loss His Most Faithful Majesty has sustained
on this occasion is immense, and that His Capital-City
is utterly Destroyed; He received us with more Serenity
than we expected, and among other things told us,
that He owed Thanks to Providence for saving His and
His Family’s Lives: and that He was extremely
glad to see us both safe. The Queen in her own
Name, and all the young Princesses, sent us word that
they were obliged to us for our attention; but that
being under their Tents, and in a Dress not fit to
appear in, They desired that for the present we would
excuse their admitting our Compliments in Person.
Most of the considerable Families in our Factory
have already secured to themselves a passage to England,
by three or four of our London Traders, that
are preparing for their departure. As soon as
the fatigue and great trouble of Mind I have endured
for these first Days are a little over, I shall be
considering of some proper method for sheltering the
poorer Sort, either by hiring a Portuguese Hulk,
or if that is not to be had, some English Vessel
till they can be sent to England; and there
are many who desire to remain, in hopes of finding
among the Ruins some of the little Cash they may have
lost in their Habitations. The best orders have
been given for preventing Rapine, and Murders, frequent
instances of which we have had within these three
Days, there being swarms of Spanish Deserters
in Town, who take hold of this opportunity of doing
their business. As I have large sums deposited
in my House, belonging to such of my Countrymen as
have been happy enough to save some of their Cash,
and that my House was surrounded all last Night with
Ruffians; I have wrote this Morning to M.
de Carvalho, to desire a Guard, which I hope will
not be refused. We are to have in a Day or two
a Meeting of our scattered Factory at my House, to
consider of what is best to be done in our present
wretched Circumstances. I am determined to stay
within call of the Distressed, as long as I can remain