Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about Andreas.

Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about Andreas.

    Lo, I awhile the story of the saint—­
  The song of praise of him who did the deeds—­
  Have set forth here in words, a tale well known, 1480
  Beyond my power; much is there yet to tell—­
  A weary task—­what he in life endured,
  From the beginning on!  A wiser man
  Upon the earth than I account myself
  Must in his heart invent it, one who knows
  From the beginning all the misery
  Which bravely he endured in cruel wars. 
  Yet in small parts we further must relate
  A portion of that tale.  It has been told
  Already how he suffered many woes 1490
  From grievous warfare in the heathen town.

    Beside the prison-wall set wondrous fast
  He saw great pillars, work of giants old,
  All beaten by the storms.  With one of these
  He converse held, mighty and bold of heart;
  Prudent and wondrous wise, he spake these words:—­
  “Give ear, thou marble stone, to God’s command,
  Before whose presence all created things—­
  The heavens and earth—­stand trembling, when they see
  The Father with a countless multitude 1500
  Visit the race of men upon the earth! 
  Let streams well forth from out thy firm support,
  A gushing river; for the King of heaven,
  Almighty God, commands thee that straightway
  Upon this stubborn-hearted folk thou send
  Water wide-flowing for the people’s death,
  A rushing sea.  Lo, thou art better far
  Than gold or treasure! for the King Himself,
  The God of glory, wrote on thee, and showed 1510
  His mysteries forth in words; Almighty God
  In ten commandments showed His righteous law,
  Gave it to Moses, and true-hearted men
  Kept it thereafter, mighty warriors,
  Joshua and Tobias, faithful thanes,
  God-fearing men.  Now dost thou truly know
  That in the days of old the angels’ King
  Decked thee more fair than all the precious stones. 
  Now at His holy bidding thou shalt show 1520
  If thou hast any knowledge of thy God!”

    Then was there no delay; straightway the stone
  Split open, and a stream came rushing out
  And flowed along the ground; at early dawn
  The foaming billows covered up the earth;
  The ocean-flood waxed great; mead was outpoured
  After that day of feasting!  Mail-clad men
  Shook off their slumbers; water deeply stirred
  Seized on the earth; the host was sore dismayed
  At terror of the flood; the youths were doomed, 1530
  And perished in the deep; the rush of war
  Snatched them away with tumult of the sea. 
  That was a grievous trouble, bitter beer;
  The ready cup-bearers did not delay;
  From daybreak on each man had drink to spare. 
  The might of waters waxed, the men wailed loud,
  Old bearers of the spear; they strove to flee
  The fallow stream; they fain would save

Project Gutenberg
Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.