The New Physics and Its Evolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The New Physics and Its Evolution.

The New Physics and Its Evolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The New Physics and Its Evolution.

Consider an isothermal transformation.  Instead of leaving the heat abandoned by the body subjected to the transformation—­water condensing in a state of saturated vapour, for instance—­to pass directly into an ice calorimeter, we can transmit this heat to the calorimeter by the intermediary of a reversible Carnot engine.  The engine having absorbed this quantity of heat, will only give back to the ice a lesser quantity of heat; and the weight of the melted ice, inferior to that which might have been directly given back, will serve as a measure of the isothermal transformation thus effected.  It can be easily shown that this measure is independent of the apparatus used.  It consequently becomes a numerical element characteristic of the body considered, and is called its entropy.  Entropy, thus defined, is a variable which, like pressure or volume, might serve concurrently with another variable, such as pressure or volume, to define the state of a body.

It must be perfectly understood that this variable can change in an independent manner, and that it is, for instance, distinct from the change of temperature.  It is also distinct from the change which consists in losses or gains of heat.  In chemical reactions, for example, the entropy increases without the substances borrowing any heat.  When a perfect gas dilates in a vacuum its entropy increases, and yet the temperature does not change, and the gas has neither been able to give nor receive heat.  We thus come to conceive that a physical phenomenon cannot be considered known to us if the variation of entropy is not given, as are the variations of temperature and of pressure or the exchanges of heat.  The change of entropy is, properly speaking, the most characteristic fact of a thermal change.

It is important, however, to remark that if we can thus easily define and measure the difference of entropy between two states of the same body, the value found depends on the state arbitrarily chosen as the zero point of entropy; but this is not a very serious difficulty, and is analogous to that which occurs in the evaluation of other physical magnitudes—­temperature, potential, etc.

A graver difficulty proceeds from its not being possible to define a difference, or an equality, of entropy between two bodies chemically different.  We are unable, in fact, to pass by any means, reversible or not, from one to the other, so long as the transmutation of matter is regarded as impossible; but it is well understood that it is nevertheless possible to compare the variations of entropy to which these two bodies are both of them individually subject.

Project Gutenberg
The New Physics and Its Evolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.