The New Physics and Its Evolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The New Physics and Its Evolution.

The New Physics and Its Evolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The New Physics and Its Evolution.

In treating of the measurement of temperature, I have already pointed out the experiments of Professors Lummer and Pringsheim and the theoretical researches of Stephan and Professor Wien.  We may consider that at the present day the laws of the radiation of dark bodies are tolerably well known, and, in particular, the manner in which each elementary radiation increases with the temperature.  A few doubts, however, subsist with respect to the law of the distribution of energy in the spectrum.  In the case of real and solid bodies the results are naturally less simple than in that of dark bodies.  One side of the question has been specially studied on account of its great practical interest, that is to say, the fact that the relation of the luminous energy to the total amount radiated by a body varies with the nature of this last; and the knowledge of the conditions under which this relation becomes most considerable led to the discovery of incandescent lighting by gas in the Auer-Welsbach mantle, and to the substitution for the carbon thread in the electric light bulb of a filament of osmium or a small rod of magnesium, as in the Nernst lamp.  Careful measurements effected by M. Fery have furnished, in particular, important information on the radiation of the white oxides; but the phenomena noticed have not yet found a satisfactory interpretation.  Moreover, the radiation of calorific origin is here accompanied by a more or less important luminescence, and the problem becomes very complex.

In the same way that, for the purpose of knowing the constitution of matter, it first occurred to us to investigate gases, which appear to be molecular edifices built on a more simple and uniform plan than solids, we ought naturally to think that an examination of the conditions in which emission and absorption are produced by gaseous bodies might be eminently profitable, and might perhaps reveal the mechanism by which the relations between the molecule of the ether and the molecule of matter might be established.

Unfortunately, if a gas is not absolutely incapable of emitting some sort of rays by simple heat, the radiation thus produced, no doubt by reason of the slightness of the mass in play, always remains of moderate intensity.  In nearly all the experiments, new energies of chemical or electrical origin come into force.  On incandescence, luminescence is superposed; and the advantage which might have been expected from the simplicity of the medium vanishes through the complication of the circumstances in which the phenomenon is produced.

Professor Pringsheim has succeeded, in certain cases, in finding the dividing line between the phenomena of luminescence and that of incandescence.  Thus the former takes a predominating importance when the gas is rendered luminous by electrical discharges, and chemical transformations, especially, play a preponderant role in the emission of the spectrum of flames which contain a saline vapour.  In all the ordinary experiments of spectrum analysis the laws of Kirchhoff cannot therefore be considered as established, and yet the relation between emission and absorption is generally tolerably well verified.  No doubt we are here in presence of a kind of resonance phenomenon, the gaseous atoms entering into vibration when solicited by the ether by a motion identical with the one they are capable of communicating to it.

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The New Physics and Its Evolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.