Wales, women in industries in, 160.
Walker, Gen. F.A., on differences in efficiency, 14;
difficulties of census enumeration, 104.
Ward, Lester F., 26.
Wealth, ratio of increase greater than that of population,
greater aggregation of, in the United
States than in Great Britain, 9.
Weavers of Baltimore, 81.
Weaving, colonial, 60.
West Virginia, working-women in, 110.
Widows, proportion of, among other workers, 118.
Windows, nailing down of, 62.
Wisconsin, average wage in, 141;
working-women in, 110.
Wives’ earnings, 113.
Woman, primeval, 27;
Roman, 36;
property of, 52;
petition of, in France, 55;
International Council of, 79.
Women-workers, percentage of, in Philadelphia, Pittsburg,
New York,
Lowell, Manchester, Wilmington, Del.,
108, 109;
according to States, 110;
of Boston, 114, 116;
industries open to, in large cities, 124;
development of her intelligence necessary,
in German mines, 11;
why their wages are less than men’s,
their trades highly localized, 19;
entrance into trades barred by men, 20;
increase of, in the United States, 98;
total numbers of, in the United States,
in 1860, 103;
in 1870, 105;
in 1880, 105;
occupations according to Census of 1880, 106.
Woollen and cotton industries, 98, 108.
Working-girls’ clubs, conditions of, 257.
Working-Woman’s Journal, 255.
Working-Women’s Protective Union, 255.
Working-Women’s Society of New York, its aims, 256.
Worsted and woollen trades, women and children in, 108.
Wright, Carroll D., 115.
Wyoming, working-women in, 110.