Soul-moulding, Mazzini on, 273.
South Carolina, working-women in, 110.
Spinning-classes, 60;
patriotic, 63.
Statistics inadequate as to early conditions, 75.
Stevens, Dr., on increase of insanity, 254.
Stores, condition of women and children in, 258.
St. Louis, average weekly wage in, 139.
St. Paul, average weekly wage in, 139.
Straw-braiding in New England, 68, 100, 101;
straw-goods trade, women in, 108.
Sully, 53.
Supply and demand, 23.
Sweating-system, 150, 235;
parliamentary investigation of, end of
report on, 153.
Tacitus, 38.
Technical education, as affecting efficiency, 14.
Tenement-house manufacture, 256.
Tennessee, working-women in, 110.
Tertullian, 40.
Texas, working-women in, 110.
Textile industries, women in, 98.
Thucydides, opinion of, 32.
Tobacco trade, women in, 110.
Trades, admission of women to, barred by men, 20;
women employed in, 108.
Tramp question, in labor reports, 113.
Trusts, alarm caused by growth of, 11.
Turgot, 54.
Tutelage, perpetual, of women, 36.
Umbrellas and canes, women employed in, 108.
Unemployed, condition of, 113.
Union, Working-Women’s Protective, 230.
United States, Labor Bureau Reports on working-women, 124.
Unskilled labor, in majority, 22;
fierce competition in, 22;
surplus of, following Civil War, 101.
Utah, working-women in, 110.
Vacations of working-women in Massachusetts, 117.
Value of laborer’s service to employer, elements of, 14.
Vapors, dangers of, in manufacture, 214.
Vegetables, cultivation of, by women, 263.
Vermont, working-women in, 110.
Vincent, Madame, 165.
Villerme, 169, 176.
Wage rates, present, in United States, 126.
Wages, why men receive more than women, 14, 21;
effect of industrial efficiency on, 14;
iron law of, 15;
effort to make standard of life conform
to, 15;
tendency to a minimum, 16;
Adam Smith for causes of difference in,
in stores, 259;
final effect of woman’s work on,
not fixed, 35;
field, 58;
eighteenth-century, 62;
in France, 161;
in Russia, 181;
New York, 129;
decrease in, 226;
in clothing, 130;
in Connecticut, 133;
in Italy, 181;
in California, 134;
Colorado, 135;
Iowa, 136;
Kansas, 136;
Maine, 134;
Minnesota, 135;
Michigan, 138;
Rhode Island, 134;
average, per State, 141;
average, for all cities, 141;
average, by cities, 139;
definition of, 127.
Wages question the question of the day, 7.