The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,257 pages of information about The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom.

The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,257 pages of information about The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom.
Hemp 25 Flax 22 Sunflower 15 Buckwheat 14 Grapes 12

The following table, quoted from Boussingault, shows the results of some experiments made by M. Grauzac, of Dagny:—­

Seed produced    Oil obtained per
per acre.        acre, in lbs.     Oil per    Cake
cwts. qrs. lbs.     lbs. ozs.        cent.   per cent.
Colewort         19    0   15       875   4           40        54
Rocket           15    1    3       320   8           18        73
Winter rape      16    2   18       641   6           33        62
Swedish turnips  15    1   25       595   8           33        62
Curled colewort  16    2   18       641   6           33        62
Turnip cabbage   13    3   19       565   4           33        61
Gold of pleasure 17    1   16       545   8           27        72
Sunflower        15    3   14       275   0           15        80
Flax             15    1   25       385   0           22        69
White poppy      10    1   18       560   8           46        52
Hemp              7    3   21       229   0           25        70
Summer rape      11    3   17       412   5           30        65

The subjoined list will serve to exhibit the richness of the produce of different Indian seeds, from which varieties of oil are extracted; it gives the proportion of oil per cent. in weight:—­

  Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum) 46.7
  Black til, coloured variety of ditto (Verbesena sativa) 46.4
  Gingelie oil (S. orientale) 46.7
  Ground nuts, produced by Arachis hypogoea 45.5
  Wounded seeds obtained from the Poonnay-tree (Calophyttum
), a bitter lamp oil 63.7
  Karunj seeds, from the Pongamia glabra 26.7
  Ram til, the seeds of the nuts Ellu, or Guizotia oleifera 35
  Poppy seeds (Papaver somniferum) 43 to 58
  Silaam, an oil seed from Nepaul 41
  Rape seed (Brassica napus) 33

The foregoing are not all the seeds from which oil is extracted by the natives of the East.  In addition to this there are cottonseed oil, used for their lamps.  Castor oil and Argemone seed, similarly used.  Oil obtained from the fruit of Melia Azadriachta, for medicine and lamps.  Apricot oil in the Himalayas, sunflower oil, oil of cucumber-seed for cooking and lamps, oil of colocynth seed, a lamp oil.

The seeds of bastard saffron (Carthamus tinctorius) yield oil.

Mustard oil, the produce of various species of Sinapis, &c.  Shanghae oil, from Brassica Chinensis.  Illiepie oil, from Bassia longifolia, which is used for frying cakes, &c., in Madras; and Muohwa oil, from another species of the same genus in Bengal, B. latifolia.  Oil is expressed from the seeds of Caesalpina oleosperma, a native of the East.  The neem tree seeds afford a very clear or bitter oil, used for burning.

Project Gutenberg
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.