The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 13 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 13 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 13 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 13 of 55.

The mission of Silan has been recently assigned to the Jesuits; they find the people well-disposed and tractable, and soon have many, both children and adults, under instruction.  In caring for these, they are greatly aided by a blind native helper, formerly a heathen priest.  Letters from the fathers in charge of this mission describe their arduous labors, the faith and piety of their neophytes, and certain miracles wrought by an image of St. Ignatius.  Here, too, the missionaries pursue their favorite policy of gathering the natives into reductions.

A chapter is devoted to the customs of the Filipinos in bestowing personal names.  Surnames are conferred only at the time of marriage; but various appellations of relationship and endearment are given besides that chosen at a child’s birth.  Chirino praises the fertility, elegance, and politeness of the Tagal language.  He says that formerly the natives did not adorn themselves with titles; but now “the wretched ‘Don’ has filled both men and women with such vanity that every one of them who has a tolerably good opinion of himself must place this title before his name; accordingly, there are even more Dons among them than among our Spaniards.”

The bishop of Cebu visits the island of Bohol, accompanied by a Jesuit missionary who briefly relates something of their experiences in this journey.  The bishop confirms, in the Jesuit missions, about three thousand Christians, and wins their hearts by his paternal love and benevolence.  The fervor of these converts is very great, and even the little children are full of zeal to learn the Christian doctrine.  The people are all well disposed toward the faith, and “the whole island would now be converted” if they had missionaries to give them instruction.  There are islets adjacent to Bohol, where the people are going to hell for lack of religious aid; but the Jesuits cannot take care of them for lack of ministers.  This difficulty is especially encountered in the island of Samar; a journey of Father Juan de Torres to a needy mission station is described at some length.  At Catubig a flourishing mission is established (1601); the headman of that village is converted, and shows his faith by many pious works.  Various instances of encounters with crocodiles, and some miraculous deliverances from danger or death, are related as occurring at Catubig.  Chirino closes his narrative with an appeal for more laborers to be sent to the Philippines, as a field where so great a harvest of souls awaits them.

Permission is given (February 23, 1604) for the Augustinian Recollects to establish themselves in the Philippines.  On June 3 the king sends orders to Acuna to repress the high-handed proceedings of some of the religious orders there; and on July 30 he directs the archbishop to punish those of the teaching friars who abandon their mission fields and sell or exchange church furniture.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 13 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.