The same trouble arises in the matter of provisions, each one looking after the care of his own house without considering the needs of others or of the poor, who should be looked after; consequently nothing can be heard but complaints and clamors from the people—poor and rich, and of all conditions—loudly asserting that the auditors are seeking everything for themselves.
Since in what regards the payment of their salaries they consider and assert that these must be preferred and the first paid even if it be from the stated fund for the religious orders, bishops, ministers of instruction, and for the military forces, who are before them in order—they have difficulties and misunderstandings with the royal officials; and as the said auditors do not care for the great importance of paying the soldiers, and look only to their private interests, I have had many complaints from the said royal officers, as they must have written you.
The soldiers, captains, master-of-camp, and military officials are greatly discontented and grieved at the ill-treatment which the said auditors accord them; and at seeing that they are hindered by them, an auditor commanding at his will the arrest of a captain, official or soldier, without cause or reason, and interfering in all the details of service—even going so far as to inspect their quarters, and send them to the public prison, for very trivial affairs, against all military precedents. If affairs are going in an orderly and concerted way, it is when the auditors do not meddle with them; for all this concerns primarily the chief commander and officers provided therefor. Judging by the state in which things are in the Filipinas today, and in the opinion of right-thinking men, soldiers are of more use and benefit in the commonwealth than are judges, for the former do more than their share, and the others are deficient. Considering the evil which results to the soldiers from seeing themselves punished and checked by so many magistrates; the hardships which they so commonly endure, and the occasions which are every day arising where these are necessary; and in view of the scant and poor pay which is given them, and as they are the defenders of the land, and are