English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History eBook

Henry Coppée
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History.

English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History eBook

Henry Coppée
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History.
Baxter, Richard, 226. 
Beattie, James, 356. 
Beaumont, Francis, 154. 
Beckford, William, 412. 
Bede the Venerable, 37. 
Benoit, 52. 
Berkeley, George, 278. 
Blair, Hugh, 369. 
Blind Harry, 89. 
Bolingbroke, Viscount, (Henry St. John,) 278. 
Boswell, James, 321. 
Browne, Sir Thomas, 225. 
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 432. 
Browning, Robert, 434. 
Buchanan, George, 126. 
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 447. 
Bulwer, Edward George Earle Lytton, 450. 
Bunyan, John, 228. 
Burke, Edmund, 369. 
Burnet, Gilbert, 231. 
Burney, Frances, 368. 
Burns, Robert, 397. 
Burton, Robert, 125. 
Butler, Samuel, 198. 
Byron, Rt.  Hon. George Gordon, 384

Caedmon, 34. 
Cambrensis, Giraldus, 49. 
Camden, William, 126. 
Campbell, Thomas, 401. 
Carlyle, Thomas, 444. 
Cavendish, George, 102. 
Caxton, William, 92. 
Chapman, George, 127. 
Chatterton, Thomas, 340. 
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 60. 
Chillingworth, William, 222. 
Coleridge, Hartley, 427. 
Coleridge, Henry Nelson, 427. 
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 424. 
Collier, John Payne, 153. 
Collins, William, 357. 
Colman, George, 366. 
Colman, George, (The Younger,) 366. 
Congreve, William, 236. 
Cornwall, Barry, 436. 
Colton, Charles, 205. 
Coverdale, Miles, 170. 
Cowley, Abraham, 195. 
Cowper, William, 353. 
Crabbe, George, 400. 
Cumberland, Richard, 363. 
Cunningham, Allan, 412.

Daniel, Samuel, 127. 
Davenant, Sir William, 205. 
Davies, Sir John, 127. 
Defoe, Daniel, 282. 
Dekker, Thomas, 154. 
De Quincey, Thomas, 468. 
Dickens, Charles, 452. 
Dixon, William Hepworth, 449. 
Donne, John, 127. 
Drayton, Michael, 127. 
Dryden, John, 207. 
Dunbar, William, 90. 
Dunstan, (called Saint,) 41.

Eadmer, 49. 
Edgeworth, Maria, 410. 
Erigena, John Scotus, 40. 
Etherege, Sir George, 238. 
Evelyn, John, 231.

Falconer, William, 357. 
Farquhar, George, 238. 
Ferrier, Mary, 411. 
Fielding, Henry, 288. 
Fisher, John, 102. 
Florence of Worcester, 49. 
Foote, Samuel, 363. 
Ford, John, 154. 
Fox, George, 226. 
Froissart, Sire Jean, 58. 
Fronde, James Anthony, 448. 
Fuller, Thomas, 224.

Gaimar, Geoffrey, 52. 
Garrick, David, 361. 
Gay, John, 252. 
Geoffrey, 52. 
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 48. 
Gibbon, Edward, 317
Gillies, John, 441. 
Goldsmith, Oliver, 301. 
Gowen, John, 86. 
Gray, Thomas, 351. 
Greene, Robert, 136. 
Greville, Sir Fulke, 127. 
Grostete, Robert, 59. 
Grote, George, 440.

Hakluyt, Richard, 126. 
Hall, Joseph, 221. 
Hallam, Henry, 448. 
Harvey, Gabriel, 110. 
Heber, Reginald, 436. 
Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea, 409. 
Henry of Huntingdon, 49. 
Hennyson, Robert, 90. 
Herbert, George, 203. 
Herrick, Robert, 204. 

Project Gutenberg
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.