A Century of Wrong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about A Century of Wrong.

A Century of Wrong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about A Century of Wrong.
the Marique River to “Derde Poort,” where it passes through a low range of hills, called Sikwane, a beacon (No. 10) being erected on the spur of said range near to and westward of the banks of the river; thence in a straight line through this beacon to a beacon (No. 9) erected on the top of the same range, about 1,700 yards distant from beacon No. 10; thence in a straight line to a beacon (No. 8) erected on the highest point of an isolated hill called Dikgagong, or “Wildebeest Kop,” situated south-eastward of and about 3-1/3 miles distant from a high hill called Moripe; thence in a straight line to a beacon (No. 7) erected on the summit of an isolated hill or “koppie” forming the eastern extremity of the range of hills called Moshweu, situated to the northward of and about two miles distant from a large isolated hill called Chukudu-Chochwa; thence in a straight line to a beacon (No. 6) erected on the summit of a hill forming part of the same range, Moshweu; thence in a straight line to a beacon (No. 5) erected on the summit of a pointed hill in the same range; thence in a straight line to a beacon (No. 4) erected on the summit of the western extremity of the same range; thence in a straight line to a beacon (No. 3) erected on the summit of the northern extremity of a low, bushy hill, or “koppie,” near to and eastward of the Notwane River; thence in a straight line to the junction of the stream called Metsi-Mash wane with the Notwane River (No. 2); thence up the course of the Notwane River to Sengoma, being the Poort where the river passes through the Dwarsberg Range; thence, as described in the Award given by Lieutenant-Governor Keate, dated October 17, 1871, by Pitlanganyane (narrow place), Deboaganka or Schaapkuil, Sibatoul (bare place), and Maclase to Ramatlabama, a pool on a spruit north of the Molopo River.  From Ramatlabama the boundary shall run to the summit of an isolated hill, called Leganka; thence in a straight line, passing north-east of a Native Station, near “Buurman’s Drift,” on the Molopo River, to that point on the road from Mosiega to the old drift, where a road turns out through the Native Station to the new drift below; thence to “Buurman’s Old Drift”; thence in a straight line to a marked and isolated clump of trees near to and north-west of the dwelling-house of C. Austin, a tenant on the farm “Vleifontein,” No. 117; thence in a straight line to the north-western corner beacon of the farm “Mooimeisjesfontein,” No. 30; thence along the western line of the said farm “Mooimeisjesfontein,” and in prolongation thereof, as far as the road leading from “Ludik’s Drift,” on the Molopo River, past the homestead of “Mooimeisjesfontein” towards the Salt Pans near Harts River; thence along the said road, crossing the direct road from Polfontein to Sehuba, and until the direct road from Polfontein to Lotlakane or Pietfontein is reached; thence along the southern edge of the last-named road towards Lotlakane until the first garden grounds of that station is reached;
Project Gutenberg
A Century of Wrong from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.