A Century of Wrong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about A Century of Wrong.

A Century of Wrong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about A Century of Wrong.

Article 7.  The decision of all claims for compensation, as in the last preceding article mentioned, will be referred to a Sub-Commission, consisting of the Honourable George Hudson, the Honourable Jacobus Petrus de Wet, and the Honourable John Gilbert Kotze.  In case one or more of such Sub-Commissioners shall be unable or unwilling to act the remaining Sub-Commissioner or Sub-Commissioners will, after consultation with the Government of the Transvaal State, submit for the approval of Her Majesty’s High Commissioner the names of one or more persons to be appointed by them to fill the place or places thus vacated.  The decision of the said Sub-Commissioners, or of a majority of them, will be final.  The said Sub-Commissioners will enter upon and perform their duties with all convenient speed.  They will, before taking evidence or ordering evidence to be taken in respect of any claim, decide whether such claim can be entertained at all under the rules laid down in the next succeeding Article.  In regard to claims which can be so entertained the Sub-Commissioners will, in the first instance, afford every facility for an amicable arrangement as to the amount payable in respect of any claim, and only in cases in which there is no reasonable ground for believing that an immediate amicable arrangement can be arrived at will they take evidence or order evidence to be taken.  For the purpose of taking evidence and reporting thereon, the Sub-Commissioners may appoint Deputies, who will, without delay, submit records of the evidence and their reports to the Sub-Commissioners.  The Sub-Commissioners will arrange their sittings and the sittings of their Deputies in such a manner as to afford the earliest convenience to the parties concerned and their witnesses.  In no case will costs be allowed to either side, other than the actual and reasonable expenses of witnesses whose evidence is certified by the Sub-Commissioners to have been necessary.  Interest will not run on the amount of any claim, except as is hereinafter provided for.  The said Sub-Commissioners will forthwith, after deciding upon any claim, announce their decision to the Government against which the award is made and to the claimant.  The amount of remuneration payable to the Sub-Commissioners and their Deputies will be determined by the High Commissioners.  After all the claims have been decided upon, the British Government and the Government of the Transvaal State will pay proportionate shares of the said remuneration and of the expenses of the Sub-Commissioners and their Deputies, according to the amount awarded against them respectively.

Project Gutenberg
A Century of Wrong from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.