A Century of Wrong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about A Century of Wrong.

A Century of Wrong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about A Century of Wrong.

Although he probably had no exceptional aptitude for politics, he was irresistibly drawn towards them by the stress of his interests.  By means of his financial influence, together with a double allowance of elasticity of conscience, he succeeded so far as to become Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, and was powerfully and solidly supported by the Africander party.  The Africanders believed in him because they were really and deeply imbued with the necessity of the co-operation and fusion of the two white races in South Africa, and he, as a loyal Englishman, but fully possessing the confidence of Colonial Africanderdom, seemed to them just the very person to realise their ideal.

To a careful observer the alliance between Africanderdom and Capitalism was bound to lead to a rupture sooner or later.  Deeply rooted and pure national sentiment as well as burning conviction form the basis of Africander Policy, and it was obvious that in the long run it would be discovered that this policy could never be made subservient to purely financial interests.

[Sidenote:  Jingoism.]

But there was another factor.  There was that debased form of patriotism called Jingoism.  It is a form of party politics without solid convictions or real beliefs, which puffs itself out with big words, and with the froth of high-sounding ideas and principles.  It is a policy, nevertheless, which appeals most strongly to the instincts of self-interest and to the illegal appropriation of other people’s property.  It revels in the lust of boasting, so deeply ingrained in human nature.  In a word, it is a policy which is in direct opposition to the true spirit of religion, to the altruistic ideals of humanity, and to that sentiment of humility and moderation which is the natural basis of all morality.

[Sidenote:  Alliance between Capitalism and Jingoism.]

Here, indeed, were the elements of an enduring alliance—­an alliance between Capitalism, with its great material influence, but barren of any one single exalted idea or principle on the one hand, and Jingoism, sterile, empty, soulless, but with a rich stock-in-trade of bombastic ideas and principles, prompted by the most selfish aspirations, on the other hand.

The one was eminently calculated to form the complement of the other, thus creating a natural alliance which is rapidly becoming a menace, all the world over, to the best and most enduring interests of humanity.

This Capitalistic Jingoism is the tree from which it is the lot of our unfortunate South Africa to gather such bitter fruit to-day.

Project Gutenberg
A Century of Wrong from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.