Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Nov. 23rd.—­Arrived at Deeling after a tedious march of 8 hours:  we did not traverse the two cliffs near the Lohit, but pursued a longer, but more commodious cattle path:  our Mishmees, however, preferred the shorter one.  Gathered Sabia, Martynioidea, Alsophila, Menispermum at Paeen in fine flower.  At Ghaloom’s old site a large Euphorbia fol obovatis, ramis 4 angulato-alatis occurs, and Cymbydium giganteum in fine flower. En route hither I noticed the following; Bauhinia, Hoya, Urtica gigas, Mucuna, Curculigo, Panax, foliis supra-decompositis, Dalbergia, Laurus, Abroma, Lactuca exaltata, Uncaria, Siegesbeckia, Megala, Podo-Molee, and a species subscandent of bamboo, internodiis vix cylindricis, gracilibus; this is of great use where it occurs, in assisting one’s ascent and descent.

Nov. 24th.—­Left about 11 for Thuma-thaya:  we first descended the Dissoo ravine, then up a very steep hill, the top of which was cultivated, then descended and crossed another stream, the remainder of our march consisting almost entirely of an uninterrupted steep ascent:  during our progress we gained partial views of the Plains and the Naga Hills, but on crossing a high ridge on which I observed Betula Populus?  Rhododendrum arboreum, the view to the East and West was very fine.  That to the W. embracing the greater part of the plains about Suddiya and the Abor Hills, stretching along to S.W. the more distant Naga Hills.  The Lohit could be traced for an immense way, the Dihong, Dibong, Digaroo, Dihing were all partially visible.  To the N.E.  Thegri-thaya was finely seen, then some rugged peaks among which Laim-planj was conspicuous.  It embraced the course of the Lohit, at least its right bank, ridge surmounting ridge:  the loftier ones tipped with snow; and lastly it was closed by a huge wall, all covered with snow, especially its peaks, stretching away to the N. From this we descended to Yen, where, as usual, I took up my quarters in a granary.  During the latter portion of the journey, I gathered a Passiflora?  Lobelia two species, a Scitaminea, Spiraea, and a curious aromatic plant, pedunculis bracteae adnatis, bracteis, coloratis, petal videis.

Codonopsis, etc.  Dicksonia, stipitibus atris 3 canaliculatis, frondibus amplis, 10 pedalibus; in fine fructification; this is the same with the Manmoo plant.  I observed likewise an arborescent Sambucus, a Bonnaya, a huge Begonia:  Coix was seen cultivated.

Nov. 25th.—­Spent the day in botanising.  Gathered Adamia, some fine ferns, a bamboo, spiculis dense congestis, bracteis scariosis interspersis, and Schizosfachyum, Nees ab E. etc.

Another and much finer species of the Fumariaceous genus, I found on Laim-planj, Deutzia, a rare Quercus, a fine species of Antonia, (Br.) in fruit, a Bartramia, Trematodon, Neckera, etc., noticed a fruit something similar to that of Combretum, allis 2 maximis, 2 minimis:  cotyledonibus haemisphaericis.

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Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.