Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.
has only about five skulls. {24} Mont was handed round to the Mishmees in large bamboo cups.  From our encampment, abundance of clearances for cultivation are visible on the hills.  Those to N., S., S.E. are of some extent, and belong to a Mishmee Gam, Tapa.  Some fine timber trees exist on the road to the village, and a very large Ficus:  no particular plants occur except a Chloranthus, fructibus albis, which is also common towards Palampan.  Thermometer at noon, in imperfect shade, 83 degrees.

Oct. 20th.—­The temperature of the air at 5.5 A.M. was 57.5 degrees.  That of water, 60 degrees.  I was obliged to halt again to enable the rice to be brought up.  To-day we gathered on the banks of the Karam, a tree in fruit, Fol. alterna, impari-pinnata, stipulis caducis.  Cymi compositi dichotomi; calyce minuto, 4 dentato, reflexo; corolla coriacea, viridi, rotata; stamina 4, hypogyna, gynobasi, maxima; carpellis 4, aggregatis, 1, 3, fecundalis, globosis, atro-cyaneis, baccatis; stylis lateralibus; semen 1, exalbumosum arbuscula mediocris; one Chrysobalanea? one Ochnacea?

Yesterday they brought me a beautiful snake, Collo gracillimo, colore pulchre fusco, maculis aterrimis, capite magno; {25} has all the appearance of being venomous.  To-day we passed another place for catching fish:  the water is prevented from escaping, (except at the place where the current is naturally most violent,) by a dam composed of bamboos, supported by triangles, from the centre of which hang heavy stones:  the fish are prevented passing down except at the above spot, and here they are received on a platform of bamboo:  the stream is so strong through this point, that when once the fish have passed down they are unable to return.  One of these fish-traps on a larger scale exists below Palampan.

The Karam debuts from the hills a little to the S. of east of Jingsha Ghat:  the chasm is very distinct.  Temperature at 2 P.M. 87 degrees, at sunset 76 degrees, 8 P.M. 68 degrees.

Oct. 21st.—­Left the Ghat about 9, and proceeded over the same difficult ground down the Karam until we arrived at Laee Mookh.  This occupied about an hour; our course thence lay up the Laee, which runs nearly due east.  The bed of the river throughout the lower part of its course is 60 or 70 yards across:  the journey was as difficult as that on the Karam.  Towards 2 P.M. we were close to the hills, and the river became contracted, not exceeding 30 or 40 yards across.  It is here only that large rock masses are to be found, but the boulders are in no case immense.  We arrived at the place of our encampment about 4 P.M., the porters coming up much later.  The march was in every respect most fatiguing.  Temperature about 6 A.M. 58 degrees, outside 57 degrees.  Water 60 degrees.  Temperature of Laee at sunset 66 degrees.  Of the air 71 degrees.

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Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.