Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.
at all with the Khorassan Flora:  nothing can show the change in the Flora of Katoor better than this, that two kafirs bring in one day, without having their attention directed to ferns, as many species as I have obtained in all that part of Khorassan I have visited, amounting to 1,000 miles in different latitudes and at very various elevations.  The following are the kafir names for the corresponding words:—­

Darr,           Mountain.       Wussut,           Goat.
Trimm,          Snow.           Wemmi,            Doomba sheep.
Trosse,         Ice.            Sovurr,           Hog.
Wishin,         Rain.           Kookoor,          a Fowl.
Earr,           Clouds.         Melli,            Bread.
Populass,       Lightning.      Ow,               Water.
Doodoowunn,     Thunder.        Undah,            Meat.
Tsaih,          Sun.            Ornachoa,         Skin.
Mass,           Moon.           Haddi,            Bone.
Tarah,          Star.           Jeet,             Body.
Geutte,         Jungul.         Shai,             Head.
Julla,          Tree.           Ash,              Face.
Poutte,         Leaf.           Uchain,           Eyes.
Pushe,          Flower.         Jibb,             Tongue.
Bhee,           Seed.           Mass,             Nose.
Tat,            Father.         Dhermurr,         Neck.
Zfee,           Mother.         Kaitss,           Hair.
Porottr,        Boy, Son.       Deh,              Beard.
Jhoo,           Girl, Daughter. Troh,             Chest.
Moochook,       a little Girl.  Booh,             Arm.
Ooruttur,       a large ditto.  Ungree,           Hand.
Birra,          Brother.        Sichupput,        Fingers.
Soose,          Sister.         Noach,            Nail.
Tsoon,          Dog.            Dust oungree,     Thumb.
Pishash,        Cat.            Koorr,            Leg.
Goh,            Cow.            Papoa,            Foot.
Ghora,          Horse.

The mixture of Hindoostanee names is very curious indeed, particularly those names of things which, from being indigenous, one would suppose would have indigenous names.

7th.—­Went up to Bharowl and returned to-day, March 9th, first went to Loongurze, the Barometer at which stood 24.758.  Therm. in sun 85 degrees.  Bharowl is a small plain, but still three or four times larger than Loongurze, and perhaps 100 feet below it:  this place is up the ravine leading to the fourth peak of the west side, which same peak must be between 9,000 to 10,000 feet high.  Loongurze is visible from this, and is more to the south.

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Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.