Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.
following the river, from which however we soon diverged to our right, but not far.  The road was rugged beyond description.  As we approached Murichom, it improved somewhat, but was still very bad.  We reached this place which is visible for some distance at 5 P.M.; the march being one of eighteen miles.  No villages occurred en route.  The hills were densely wooded to the summits and much lowered in height than those to which we had been accustomed.  Passed two waterfalls, one less high, but more voluminous than the other, is the Minzapeeza of Turner; both these occurred on the left bank of the river.  Minzapeeza, is a fall of great height, but the body of water is small.

The vegetation to-day partook much of the subtropical character, almost all boreal plants being left behind.  We ascended and descended between 3,000 to 4,500 feet near Chuka, Parkioides, Mimosa arborea! and M. frutex.  Magnolia!  Rubia munjista, Impatiens!  Cucurbitacea!

Oxyspora latifolia!  Rosa fragrans, Incerta ribesioides, Piper!  Urtica heterophylla!  Wendlandia!  Phytolacea, Daphne nutans, Rottleria!  Curculigo orchediflora, Acer, Eurya pubescens, Rhus, Alnus!  Adamia, Gordonia!  Q. robur reappears at a lower elevation than before seen:  Dipterocarpioides arbor vasta trunco ramoso!  Smilax auriculata!  Pothos pinnatifid!  Briedlia oblonga!  Corydalis, Dipsacus, Acanthaceae common, Rubiaceae of a tropical character, such as Ophiorhizae; Celastrus!  Pythonium majus, Tetranthera macrophylla!  Quercus coriacea!  Gaultheria arborea scarce, Deutzia on the descent to the Teemboo, Macrocapnos, Sterculia platanifolia, Melica latifolia!  Arundo!  Achyranthes densa!  Labiata spinosa of Khegumpa or Phlomis, Labiata, Quercoides.  The rocks on the river side are covered with Epiphytical Orchideae; Saurauja sterculifolia, Pythonium pallidum, Elaeagnus fragrans.

Along the banks of the Teemboo, Pandanus!  Rhododendron azaleoides, R. pulchrum, Lyellia, Begonia picta, Composita arborea!  Ficus! on ascent above its banks, Dioscorea!  Elaeocarpus!  Acrosticum atratum!  Convallarium oppositifolia, Thibaudia loranthiflora!  Pogostemon of Dgin!  Leea!  The only northern plant a species of Viola; Otochilus linearis!  Entada!  Kydia!  Mussaenda!  Macrocapnos altera of Yen, Callicarpa arborea!  Panax aculeato palmiformis supra decompositae of Dgin!  Solanum farinacium!  Urena lobata!  Marlea, Panicum plicatum!  Before ascending to Murichom we made two descents to two streams, crossed by common wooden bridges:  that nearer Murichom being the largest; elevation at 2,500 feet.  Here tree-fern; Pythonium majus, Duchesnia, Lysimacha, Begonia of Punukha!  Caryophyllea scandens, Urtica gigas!  Modeceoides exembryonata!  Commelina!  Combretum sp.!  Baehmeriae!  Piper spica caudata pendula and another species!!  Euphorbia!  Galina of Panga, Croton malvifolius!  Bambusa major!  Bauhinia!  Engeldhaardtii!

Although we subsequently ascended 1500 feet, very little change occurred:  no re-appearance of tropical forms, Sterculiacea novum of Moosmai, Adamia, Volkameria! serrata, Triumfetta mollis!  Briedlia ovalis of Chilleeri!  Gortnera!  Corydalis!  Hydrangeacae!  Melastoma malabathrica!

Project Gutenberg
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.