Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

May 15th.—­Left Chupcha for Chuka, distant seventeen miles.  Our march commenced by a very steep and indeed almost precipitous descent to the nullah, at the foot of Chupcha, of 1,800 feet.  Thence we ascended gradually until we reached a temple visible from Chupcha, at which place we returned to the course along the Teemboo.  The remainder of the road undulating, varying in level from 6,000 to 6,500 feet, until we commenced the descent to Chuka, which was long and tedious:  we reached this at 5.5 P.M.  The road latterly was very bad, we passed Punukha, a small village, about 300 feet below our path.  The mountains closing in the Teemboo continue lofty, at least 9,000 feet.  Iris, cedars, and Abies densa, were common on the loftier parts.

We passed some beautiful places, indeed the march throughout was pretty.  The vegetation was beautiful, owing to the quantity of water on the road, a stream occupying each hollow, round many of which we wound.  Glades and pieces of green sward were not uncommon.

The Lamium of Bulphai is found about Chupcha.  On the descent to the nullah the following plants were found.

At 7,000 feet, Iris commences, with a species of Lychnis, ground bare and rocky, Umbellifera cana, Umb., from which moud is prepared, common.

At 6,800 feet, Quercus ferruginea commences, on rocks here Stemodium ruderalis, Santonica of Panga, etc., Convallaria cirrhosa.

At 6,500 feet, Hedera common, Aristolochia tetrarima, Berberis obovata, Viburnum caerulescens, Filix ferrugineo tomentosa, Pteris dealbata.

Iris common to 6,500 feet, continues lower down, but scarce.  Along the nullah, which is a middling-sized torrent, Rhus, Cederela toone, Acer sterculiacea, Hamamelis, Fici sp., scandens, Rhus, Juglandifolia!  Populus oblonga, Sassafras, on the ascent to the temple, Populus of very large size, and the above trees.  Fraxinus floribunda, Osmundia in profusion, Aristolochia tetrarima, Scabiosa of Bulphai, Prunella, Fragaria vesca, Duchesnum, Sarcococea, Elaeagnus fragrans, Galium of Panga cascade, Corydalis, which continues to Chuka, but is scarce below 5,000 feet, Deutzia, Lilium giganteum, Uvularia very common, Primula Stuartii, Woodwardia (scarce), Pythonium pallidium, Campanula cana, Panax herbacieae 2 species, Rhododendron agaleoides of ridge above Chupcha, Buddlaea cana, Ranunculus of Taseeling, Benthamia, Anemona ranunculacea, Buxus, Delphinum sp.? common, Gaultheria nummularifolia, Jasminum lutium, Conaria.  This ascent was about 500 feet.  Long-tailed pie seen here, red-billed shrikelet, first met with towards Tumashoo, common now as far down as 4,500 feet.

On passing the temple, or rather before coming to it, we changed the vegetation which became of the ordinary dry character.  Woods of Q. ferruginea mixed with Pinus pendula, Benthamia, Pteris aquilina, Viburnum caerulescens, Conaria, Polygonum of Teemboo, Rhododendron minus, Gaultheria arborea.

Project Gutenberg
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.