Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 725 pages of information about Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the.

Beyond the waterfall the Quercus robur became common, forming beautiful woods, it continued throughout until we re-descended to the river, range 7 to 7,500 feet.  In these woods formed likewise by Pinus pendula, Convallaria cirrhosa appeared, Rubia cordifolia, hispida, Paris polyphylla, Aralia cissifolia, Mitella, Ribes!  Spiraea, Asparagus, Epipactis, Avularia, Houttuynia!  Arum viviparum on rocks, Duchesmium, Populus oblonga occurred also, Coriaria!  Hedera common, Benthamia common.

On rocks along the river, Peperomia, 4-phylla, Populus oblonga, Acer sterculiacea!  Symphoria alia!  Indigofera, Salix, Cedrela, Sassafras, arbor facie, Gordonia, Vitis, Syringa, Serissa, Buddlaea, Sedum on rocks, Eriophon ditto, Campanula cana, Pinus pendula, Rosa, Convallarium cirrhosa, Polygonum robustum, foliis cordatis.

The ascent up to 7,500 feet, was marked by similar vegetation:  up to this point the prevailing shrubs gradually disappeared, they were never so common as about Panga.  Quercus robur having ceased, was succeeded by Quercus ferruginea, which is much like Quercus ilecifolia, and has very coriaceous leaves, this again at 7,500 feet, was succeeded by Quercus ilecifolia, Dipsacus up to this, Pteris aquilina, Gaultheria arborea.

At 7,600 feet, Rhododendron oblonga, a most beautiful species, Calyce discoideo commenced, as also Rhodora deflexa and Rhodoracea ochrolenea, which is, I think, that I before noticed as R. elliptica, foliis basi cordatis subtus argenteis et punctatis, Euphorbia occurs also here, as also the Rosa, Berberis asiatica.

At 8,000 feet, the trees were covered with grey lichens, and assumed the usual highly picturesque appearance:  noticed Primula Stuartii in flower (Symphoria! ceased), Euphorbia, Gaultheria nummularifolia commences, Artemisia major, Crataegus odoratus continues, Saxifraga ligularis common up to this, Ribes commences, Gaultheria of Bulphai, Galum, Hyperici sp., Lilium giganteum, Clematis grata, Populus species, do not ascend above this.

At 8,500 feet, Rhododendron minus, Rhododendron oblonga, ochroleucum, Coccineum appears, Ribes, Smilax sanguinea, Gaultheria of Bulphai very common, arborea stunted, Limonia major, Clematis grata!  Rhododendron hispida, Potentilla, Pteris aquilina, Berberis asiatica, Mespilus microphyllus, Gnaphalium, Swertia, Viola, Patrinum!  Elaeagnus fragrans!  Thymus, which ranges from 6 to 10,000 feet, Euphorbia, Pedicularis, Cycnii sp., Mimulus, Rhodora deflexa, Pinus pendula, Quercus ilecifolia, both stunted, Pteris aquilina.

The descent to the village was about 500 feet, Arenarium on rocks, Mimulus, Viola, Rumex, Juncus, Acorus veronica, Anagallis, Pythonium of Blake, Euphorbia, Pedicularis, Carex, Mespilus microphyllus:  pine chatterers throughout, at least above 7,000 feet.

The summit, which was certainly 9,500 feet, was completely bare:  Pinus pendula ascends a long way.

Chupcha—­Hordeum hexastichor in beautiful order, the chief cultivation.  Red-legged crow; larger dove.  The form of the country traversed is as follows:-

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Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.