rag ing: furious, violent. rec og nized: known. re flec tion: image. ref uge: shelter. re fused: declined to do. reign ing (rain): ruling. re mote: distant. rest less: eager for change, discontented; unquiet. re store: to return, to give back. roe buck: male deer. runt: an animal unusually small of its kind.
sad dle bags: a pair of pouches attached to a
saddle, used to carry
small articles.
Salis bur y (Sauls): a town in North Carolina.
sav age: wild, untamed. scare crow: an object
set up to scare crows and other birds away from
score: the number twenty. serv ice: benefit,
favor. shek el: ancient coin. shreds: strips,
fragments. Si ling (Se): a Chinese empress.
sim ple ton: a foolish person. six pence:
six pennies—about twelve cents in United
States money. squire: a justice of the peace.
state ly: dignified, majestic. stat ues:
likeness of a human being cut out of stone. steeped:
soaked. striv ing: laboring, endeavoring. stub
ble: stumps of grain left in ground, as after
tab lets: a flat piece on which to write. tasks: work, undertaking. tem pest: storm. tem ple: a kind of church. thriv ing: prospering, succeeding. tid ings: news. till ing: cultivating. tim id ly: shyly. tink er ing: mending. tithing man (t=ith): officer who enforced good behavior. tor por: numbness, dullness. tread: step. tri als: efforts, attempts. troop: an armed force.
u su al: ordinary, common.
vain: proud, conceited; to no purpose. van ished: disappeared. ven i son (ven’ z’n): flesh of deer. vic to ry: triumph. vol un teer: one who offers himself for a service.
wa ger (wa jer): bet. wages: carries on. wand: a small stick. width: breadth. wig wam: Indian tent. wis dom: learning, knowledge.
yarn: thread.
Zeus (Z=us): a Greek god.
This list contains the words in the Child’s World Third Reader, except those already used in the earlier books of this series, and a few that present no difficulty in spelling, pronunciation or meaning.
10 gathered couple Zeus beggars
11 attend footsore herbs although pitcher
13 disappeared homeward
14 feeble linden
15 treasure lucky Iris precious
16 messenger swift-footed Mercury awakened
17 hereafter honest upright
18 blossoms luscious harsh
19 hues frolic glistened wrestled scurried
21 fluttered speckled tender
22 parents moment remained praised
25 zigzag remote comrade blithe amber billows stubble bracing
26 plantation spindle
28 woven loom ruffles
29 England buttonholes
30 shepherd shearers
32 dyers
33 colored plaid