dan ger: risk. de li cious: pleasing to the taste. de nied: disowned. depths: deep part of sea. de stroy: break up; kill. dis tress: suffering of mind. dock: a place between piers where vessels may anchor. Don al (D~on’ al): an Irish lad. dor mouse (dor mous’): a small animal that looks like a squirrel. drought (drout): want of water. dub: call. dumps: low spirits.
eaves: overhanging lower edges of a roof. em bers: smouldering ashes. em per or: ruler of an empire. em press: wife of an emperor; a female ruler. en chant ed: bewitched. en e my: foe. es tab lish: to found. ex act ly: completely. ex haust ed: tired, worn out. ex tend ing: reaching.
fam ine: scarcity of food. fes ti val:
a time of feasting. flax: a slender plant with
blue flowers, used to make thread and cloth. fol ly:
foolishness. foot man: a man servant. forge:
a place with its furnace where metal is heated and
hammered into
different shapes.
fra grance: sweetness. free dom: independence,
gauz y: like gauze, thin. Got ham (Got am): a village in Old England, commonly called G=o tham. grate ful: thankful. groom: a servant in charge of horses. guard: one that guards; a watch.
hail ing: calling. har bor: a protected body of water where vessels may anchor safely. haught y: proud. her ald: a messenger. Ho ang ti (H=o ang tee): an emperor of China. hoar y: white. horse-chest nut: a tree. hu man: like men. hu mor: mood, disposition.
in no cent: guiltless. in spect: examine. in stant ly: at once. in vent ed: made.
jest: joke. ju ni per: an evergreen, tree. jus tice: right treatment.
king dom: country belonging to king or queen. kirk: church. knight: a mounted man-at-arms.
lad en: loaded. la ment ed: wailed, wept. lin en: thread or cloth made of flax. lodge: dwelling place; wigwam. loom: a machine for weaving threads into cloth. lus cious: delicious.
Man i tou (too): a name given by the Indians to the “Great Spirit,” or God. marsh es: swamps. mer cy: pity, kindness. min is ter: a pastor, a clergyman. mis for tune: bad fortune. moc ca sin: Indian shoes. moor: to secure in place, as a vessel: a great tract of waste land. moult ed: shed feathers.
no bles: lords. nurs er y: play room for children.
o blige: do a favor. o rang ou tang: a kind of ape. or der ly: regular; in order.
page: a youth training for knighthood. pas try
(p=as): article of food made with crust of paste
(or dough) as a
peas ant (p~es): a tiller of the soil. pe can:
a kind of nut. Pe kin duck: a large, creamy
white duck. pest: a nuisance. Phi le mon
(F=i l=e’ mon): a Greek peasant. pil lar:
a support. pin ing: drooping; longing. pound:
a piece of English money, equal to about $5.00 in United
prai rie: an extensive tract of level or rolling