Folk Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about Folk Tales Every Child Should Know.

Folk Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about Folk Tales Every Child Should Know.

When he came to the sound, he found the river full of ice, and the current ran as strong as in a waterfall; but he stuck his legs to the bottom of the river and waded until he got safe across.

When he had warmed himself and had something to eat, he wanted to go to sleep; but before long he heard such a terrible noise, as if they were turning the castle upside down.  The door burst wide open, and he saw nothing but a gaping jaw extending from the threshold up to the lintel.

“There is a mouthful for you,” said the youngster and threw the pauper boy into the swallow:  “taste that!  But let me see now who you are!  Perhaps you are an old acquaintance?”

And so it was; it was the devil who was about again.

They began to play cards, for the devil wanted to try and win back some of the ground-rent which the youngster had got out of his mother by threats, when he was sent by the king to collect it; but the youngster was always the fortunate one, for he put a cross on the back of all the good cards, and when he had won all the money which the devil had upon him, the devil had to pay him out of the gold and silver which was in the castle.

Suddenly the fire went out, so they could not tell the one card from the other.

“We must chop some wood now,” said the youngster, who drove the axe into the fir block, and forced the wedge in; but the twisted, knotty block would not split, although the youngster worked as hard as he could with the axe.

“They say you are strong,” he said to the devil; “just spit on your hands, stick your claws in, and tear away, and let me see what you are made of.”

The devil did so, and put both his fists into the split and pulled as hard as he could, when the youngster suddenly struck the wedge out, and the devil stuck fast in the block and the youngster let him also have a taste of the butt end of his axe on his back.  The devil begged and prayed so nicely to be let loose, but the youngster would not listen to anything of the kind unless he promised that he would never come there any more and create any disturbance.  He also had to promise that he would build a bridge over the sound, so that people could pass over it at all times of the year, and it should be ready when the ice was gone.

“They are very hard conditions,” said the devil; but there was no other way out of it—­if the devil wanted to be set free, he would have to promise it.  He bargained, however, that he should have the first soul that went across the bridge.  That was to be the toll.

Yes, he should have that, said the youngster.  So the devil was let loose, and he started home.  But the youngster lay down to sleep, and slept till far into the day.

When the king came to see if he was cut and chopped into small pieces, he had to wade through all the money before he came to his bedside.  There was money in heaps and in bags which reached far up the wall, and the youngster lay in bed asleep and snoring hard.

Project Gutenberg
Folk Tales Every Child Should Know from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.