[15] For a survey of a large number of such tests and bibliography, compare: G.M. Whipple: Manual of Mental and Physical Tests. (Baltimore, 1911.)
[16] F.L. Wells: The Relation of Practice to Individual Differences. (American Journal of Psychology, 1912, vol. 23, pp. 75-88.)
[17] M. Bernays: Auslese und Anpassung der Arbeiterschaft der geschlossenen Grossindustrie, dargestellt an den Verhaeltnissen der Gladbacher Spinnerei und Weberei. (Leipzig, 1910, p. 337.)
[18] H.C. McComas: Some Types of Attention. (Psychological Review Monographs, vol. 13, 3, 1911.)
[19] Max Weber: Zur Psychophysik der industriellen Arbeit. (Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 1908 and 1909, vols. 27 and 28.)
[20] Bryan and Harter: Studies in the Telegraphic Language. (Psychological Review, vol. 4.)
[21] W.F. Book: The Psychology of Skill. (University of Montana, Publications in Psychology, 1910.)
[22] H. Muensterberg: Beitraege zur experimentellen Psychologie. (Book iv, 1892.)
[23] A.J. Culler: Interference and Adaptability. (Archives of Psychology, 1912.)
[24] The experiments are being conducted and will be published by Mr. L.W. Kline.
[25] Adolf Gerson: Die physiologischen Grundlagen der Arbeitsteilung. (Zeitschrift fuer Sozialwissenschaft, 1907.)
[26] Karl Buecher: Arbeit und Rhythmus. (Fourth Edition, Leipzig, 1909, p. 438.)
[27] Frank G. Gilbreth: Motion Study. (New York, 1911.)
[28] Taylor: The Principles of Scientific Management. (New York, 1911, p. 71.)
[29] The experiments are being conducted and will be published by Mr. E.R. Riesen.
[30] R. Herbertz: Zur Psychologie des Maschinenschreibens. (Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Psychologie, 1908, vol. 2, p. 551.)
[31] C.L. Vaughan: The Moter Power of Complexity. (Harvard Psychological Studies, vol. 2, 1906, p. 527.)
[32] G.M. Stratton: Some Experiments in the Perception of the Movement, Color, and Direction of Lights. (Psychological Review Monographs, vol. 10, 1908.)
[33] The experiments are being conducted and will be published by Miss L.M. Seeley.
[34] H. Muensterberg: Beitraege sur experimentellen Psychologie. (Book iv, 1892.)
[35] R.S. Woodworth: Accuracy of Voluntary Movement. (Psychological Review Monographs, vol. 8, 1899.)
[36] B.A. Lenfest: The Accuracy of Linear Movement. (Harvard Psychological Studies, vol. 2, 1906.)
[37] Ranschburg: Ueber die Bedeutung der Aehnlichkeit beim Erlernen, Behalten und bei der Reproduktion. (Journal fuer Psychologie und Neurologie, vol. 6.) Ranschburg: Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. (Vol. 80, 1902.)
[38] H. Kleinknecht: The Interference of Optical Stimuli. (Harvard Psychological Studies, vol. 2, 1906.)
[39] The experiments are being conducted and will be published by Miss O.E. Martin.