Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

[Illustration:  8.—­Rosette in Tatting.]

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9.—­Star in Tatting.

Materials:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s tatting cotton No. 50; tatting-pin No. 3.

[Illustration:  9.—­Star in Tatting.]

Fill the shuttle, and commencing a loop, work 1 double, then 1 purl and 1 double 12 times, draw into a round; join the cotton to the 1st purl loop. 1st oval.—­Commence a loop close to the joining, work 7 double, join to 1st purl of round, work 7 double and draw close; reverse the work.  Join the thread from reel, and holding it out for a straight thread, commence the scallop:—­

5 double, 1 purl, 5 double, reverse the work.  The 2nd oval same as first.  Repeat oval and scallop alternately, until the star is completed.

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10.—­Insertion worked in Tatting.

Materials:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s tatting cotton No. 50; tatting-pin No. 3.

[Illustration:  10.—­Insertion worked in Tatting.]

This strip of insertion is worked with two cottons.  Work with the cotton in the left hand over that in the right hand.  Both ends of cotton are fastened together at the beginning by a knot.  First work one half of the insertion the long way in the following manner:—­1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain (the purl must be very short); turn the purl downwards, 6 double, 1 purl, * 6 double, 1 purl, 1 plain, which must all be turned upwards; then turn the work so that the upper edge is turned downwards; work 6 double, fastened on to the last purl turned downwards (the fastening of the stitches is made with the thread in the right hand); a loop turned upwards is thus formed; turn the work downwards, draw the cotton in right hand underneath that in left hand, and work 6 double, 1 purl, 6 double, all turned upwards; fasten these stitches on 1st purl turned downwards.  In this pattern 1st of border pattern is thus completed; turn it downwards, 8 double, 1 purl, 8 double, 1 purl, 1 plain, turn work downwards, 6 double, fastened on last purl of last pattern, turned up.  Repeat from *.  When the insertion is of sufficient length, work the other half in same manner, and fasten it on the 1st half by means of purl stitches between the 8 double stitches twice repeated.

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11.—­Tatted Insertion for Trimming Lingeries.

Materials:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s tatting cotton No. 40, or crochet cotton No. 20; tatting-pin No. 3.

[Illustration:  11.—­Tatted Insertion.]

Project Gutenberg
Beeton's Book of Needlework from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.