Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

[Illustration 225:—­Long Double Stitch.]

Illustration 225 (Long Double).—­For this stitch wind the cotton round the needle, insert it into the back part of a stitch, draw the cotton out as a loop, wind the cotton again round the needle, and cast off together the two loops and the loop formed by winding the cotton round the needle.

[Illustration 226.—­Treble Stitch.]

ILLUSTRATION 226 (Treble Stitch).—­These stitches are worked as has been described for the purl foundation chain, No. 218.  The treble stitches are worked on a foundation chain or in the stitches of the preceding row.

ILLUSTRATION 227 (Long Treble).—­These are worked like treble stitches, only the cotton is wound twice round the needle; the double long treble (illustration 228) is worked by winding the cotton three times round the needle.  The loops formed by winding the cotton round the needle are cast off one by one with one of the loops on the needle.  The two loops that remain at the end are cast off together after winding the cotton round the needle.

[Illustration:  227.—­Long Treble Stitch.]

[Illustration:  228.—­Double Long Treble Stitch.]

[Illustration:  229.—­Cross Treble Stitch.]

[Illustration:  230.—­Cross Treble Stitch.]

ILLUSTRATION 229-231 (Cross Treble).—­Illustration 229 shows this stitch completed; illustrations 230 and 231 show them in the course of the work.  Wind the cotton twice round the needle as for a long treble, insert the needle into the stitch in which the first half of the cross treble is to be worked, wind the cotton round the needle, draw the cotton through as a loop, wind the cotton again round the needle and cast off together with the same the loop on the needle and the loop formed by throwing the cotton forward; you have now 3 loops left on the needle, 1 of which has been formed by winding the cotton round the needle; missing these, wind the cotton again round the needle, miss the 2 next stitches of the foundation chain, and draw a loop through the third stitch.  You have now 5 loops on the needle.  Always cast off 2 loops at a time till only 1 loop remains on the needle.  Work 2 chain stitches (if you wish to have the stitches more or less) slanting, work 1, 2, or 3 chain stitches, missing, of course, the same number of foundation chain, work 1 treble stitch, inserting the needle, as shown by the arrow on No. 231, into the 2 cross chain of the completed treble stitch.

[Illustration:  231.—­Cross Treble Stitch.]

[Illustration:  232.—­Raised Spots.]

Project Gutenberg
Beeton's Book of Needlework from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.