Handkerchief border, 485.
Insertion (Limoges), 484.
Lappet, 490.
Lappet, 497.
Letter __A in point lace, 500, 501.
Medallion, 481.
Oval for cravats, 491.
Star, 480.
Toilet cushion centre, 486.
Wheels, close English, 495.
Penwiper in embroidery, 186, 187.
Point Lace.
Braid, placing the, 442.
Braids, 426 to 431.
Cords, p. 453.
Edgings, 474 to 479.
General directions for working, 453, 454.
Materials required, p. 451.
Modes of working dots or picots, 470, 473.
Scissors for, 425.
Threads, sizes of, p. 500.
Point Lace Bars.
D’Alencon, 463.
Point d’Angleterre, 467.
Point de Venise, edged, 468.
Point de Venise, dotted, 469.
Raleigh, 471, 472.
Sorrento, 461, 462.
Sorrento, dotted, 469.
Venetian, plain, 464, 465, 466.
Point lace edgings and purled edgings.
Antwerp, 479.
Point d’Angleterre, 477.
Point do Bruxelles, 474.
Point d’Espagne, 478.
Point de Venise, 476.
Sorrento, 475.
Point lace patterns.
Alphabet, 502.
Alphabet, description of, 500, 502.
Bars, d’Alencon and Sorrento, 494.
Borders, 482, 483.
Collars, 493, 496.
Cravat end, 487.
Design for point Lice collar, lappets, &c., 490.
Dress trimming, 492.
Edgings, 488, 489.
Handkerchief border, 485.
Insertion (Limoges), 484.
Lappet, 490.
Lappet, 497.
Letter A in point lace, 500, 501.
Medallion, 481.
Oval for cravats, 491.
Star, 480.
Toilet cushion centre, 486.
Wheels, close English, 495.
Point lace stitches.
Brussels lace, 433, 434.
Escalier lace, 454.
Mechlin lace, 453.
Point d’Angleterre, 444.
Point d’Angleterre, enlarged, 445.
Point d’Anvers, 498.
Point d’Alencon, 442.
Point d’Alencon, 443.
Point Brabancon, 449.
Point de Bruxelles, 433, 434.
Point de Cordova, 447.
Point d’Espagne, 437.
Point d’Espagne; close, 438.
Point d’ Espagne, treble, 439.
Point de fillet, 450.
Point de fillet and point reprise, 451.
Point de Grecque, 440, 499.
Point de reprise. 448.