Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

[Illustration:  593—­Berlin Work Border.]

[Illustration:  594.—­Berlin Work Border.]

In the centre the flower is completed by a knot; the ground in cross stitch is completed on either side by a narrow border of scallops, formed of slanting stitches divided in the centre by 1 slanting stitch.  It is easy to work these stitches from illustration.  The choice of colours depends upon what use the border is intended for and upon personal taste.

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[Illustration:  TATTED ANTIMACASSAR (see page 80).]

[Illustration:  214—­COUVRETTE IN APPLIQUE]

[Illustration:  334—­KNITTED TABLE COVER (see page 347).]

[Illustration:  337—­KNITTED D’OYLEY (see page 352).]

[Illustration:  568.—­PARASOL COVER IN GUIPURE D’ART
(see page 549).]


ACACIA SPRAY in embroidery, 162.

Antimacassar, crochet, 276.

  Antimacassar in tatting, 65.

  Antimacassar, knitted, 318 to 320.

  Applique, pattern for a couvrette in, 213 to 215.

  Arm-chair, covered with crochet, 254.

  Arm-chair in crochet, patterns for, 255,256.

  BABY’S BOOT, knitted, 326.

  Bag, crochet silk, over rings, 245.

  Banner screen in guipure d’art, 573, 574.


    D’Alencon, 463.

    Point d’Angleterre, 467.

    Point de Venise, edged, 468.

    Point de Venise, dotted, 469.

    Raleigh, 471, 472.

    Sorrento, 461, 462.

    Sorrento, dotted, 469.

    Venetian, plain, 464, 465, 466.

  Basket, small, crochet, 239.

  Basket, crochet, 272.

  Basket, crochet, 273.

  Basket, embroidered in chenille, 134.

  Bedford plaited lace (1851), 423.

  Bed-quilt, knitted border for, 327.

  Berlin work, borders in, 592 to 594.


    Common cross stitch, 577.

    Damask stitch, 581.

    Leviathan stitch, 583, 584.

    Leviathan double stitch, 585.

    Long cross stitch, 578, 579.

    Plaited stitch, 590.

    Plush stitch, 591.

    Raised or velvet stitch, 589.

    Rep stitch, 582.

    Slanting cross stitch, 580.

    Slanting Gobelin stitch, 587.

    Straight Gobelin stitch, 588.

    Tent stitch, 586.

  (Black lace) Buckingham point trolly (1851), 422.

  Bodice, knitted, 324, 325.

  Boot, baby’s, knitted, 326

  Borders, crochet, 252, 253

  Border, embroidered, 150.

  Border for a reading-desk in embroidery, 204.

  Border for couvrettes, guipure d’art, 561.

Project Gutenberg
Beeton's Book of Needlework from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.