Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.

Beeton's Book of Needlework eBook

Mrs Beeton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Beeton's Book of Needlework.


Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 16.

These elegant letters are simply worked in graduated satin stitch and fine overcast with eyelet-holes.

[Illustration:  407.—­M.H.E.]


Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 18.

This elegant design is worked in graduated satin stitch, the middle letter is done in point croise.  This stitch is only worked on very thin and transparent materials.  Insert the needle into the material as for the common back stitch, draw it out underneath the needle on the opposite outline of the pattern so as to form on the wrong side a slanting line.  Insert the needle again as for common back stitch.


Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 30.

The initial letter of this word contains all those following, and is surrounded by a wreath of roses and other flowers; these are worked in satin stitch, the leaves in point de pois, the letters in raised satin stitch.  The dots which are represented on the groundwork of the initial are worked in back stitching; these may be worked in scarlet ingrain cotton if desired for morning handkerchiefs.

[Illustration:  408.—­Natalie.]


Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 18.

This monogram is worked in satin stitch, and the oval is worked in eyelet-holes of graduated sizes.

[Illustration:  409.—­O.R.]


Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 20.

The first letter of this word is very elaborate; it is worked in satin stitch, point de sable, and point de pois, the rest of the letters in satin stitch.

[Illustration:  410.—­Phoebe.]

411.—­Monogram for Pocket Handkerchiefs.

Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton Perfectionne
No. 20.

[Illustration:  411.—­Monogram for Marking Handkerchiefs]

This monogram is worked partly in applique, partly in satin stitch.  For the middle part of the medallion sew on the pattern in applique of cambric with button-hole stitch; the remaining part of the embroidery is worked in satin stitch and point russe.

412.—­Monogram for Pocket Handkerchiefs.

Materials:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 20, and
Linen Thread No. 20.

This monogram is also worked in applique and satin stitch.  The circle all round the medallion is worked in applique; in the middle work lace stitches from illustration.  The edge of the medallion is worked round with button-hole stitch.

[Illustration:  412.—­Monogram for Marking Handkerchiefs.]


Material:  Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.’s Embroidery Cotton No. 20.

Project Gutenberg
Beeton's Book of Needlework from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.