Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 27, 1892 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 27, 1892.

Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 27, 1892 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 27, 1892.

  Sort o’ cosy romanticky feeling a-paddling along them canals,
  With the manderlines twangling all round, and the larf of the
          gayest of gals
  Gurgling up through the Hightalian hair—­though it do ’ave a
          cockneyfied sniff,—­
  Wy it’s better than spooning at Marlow with MOLLY MOLLOY in a skiff.

  I felt like Lord BYRON, I tell yer; I stretched myself, orty-like,
  And wished it could go on all night, wich my pardner did ditto, no
  Modern Venice in minichure, CHARLIE, ain’t really so dusty, you bet;
  I wos quite a Bassanio in breeks, and I ain’t lost the twang of it

  My Portia wos POLLY MARIA; she tipped me her name fair and free;
  And a pootier young mossel o’ muslin, I never ’ad perch on my
  No side on ’er, nothink lowlived, CHARLIE, ladylike down to the
  I called ’er my fair “Bride of Venice.”  In fact, we wos ’appy all

  She said I wos ’er form to a hounce, and if anyone looked more
  In a nobby Gondoler than me, well that chap ’adn’t travelled ’er
  Wich wos Barnsbury Park—­so she whispered, with sech a sly
          giggle, dear boy! 
  I sez “Bully for IMRE KIRALFY!  His Show is a thing to henjoy!”

  And so it is, CHARLIE, old hoyster.  The music is twangly, I own,
  And if I’ve a fancy myself, ’taint hexactly the Great Xylophone;
  But the speeches of musical scratch-backs the dancers keep time
          with so pat,
  In that fairy-like Carnival Bally, fetched POLLY, ah, all round
          ’er ’at!

  That ’at wos a spanker, I tell yer; as big as the Doge’s
  And like all the “Four Seasons” in one!  “Well,” sez POLLY, “I do
          like ’em large,
  Them Venetian pork-pies ain’t my fancy, no room for no trimmings
  They wouldn’t suit Barnsbury Park, though they might do ’The
          Castle of Love’!”

  Sort o’ needled her somehow, I fancy; but, bless yer, I soon put
          that straight. 
  Gals is wonderful touchy on togs!  Covent Garden piled high on a
  With a blue hostrich-feather all round it, mayn’t be man’s hidea
          of a tile,
  But I flattered her taste a rare bat, and soon ’ad her again on
          the smile.

  Well, “Venice the Bride of the Sea,” is wuth more than one visit,
          old pal,
  And I’ve got a hengagement next week to go there with the same
          pooty gal. 
  I’m going to read up the subjeck, I’ll cram for it all I can carry,
  For I’m bound to be fair, in the know if young POLLY should question

Yours, ’ARRY.

* * * * *

Project Gutenberg
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 27, 1892 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.