Famous Modern Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Famous Modern Ghost Stories.

Famous Modern Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about Famous Modern Ghost Stories.

I had slept a good deal in the early afternoon, and had thus recovered somewhat from the exhaustion of a disturbed night, but this only served apparently to render me more susceptible than before to the obsessing spell of the haunting.  I fought against it, laughing at my feelings as absurd and childish, with very obvious physiological explanations, yet, in spite of every effort, they gained in strength upon me so that I dreaded the night as a child lost in a forest must dread the approach of darkness.

The canoe we had carefully covered with a waterproof sheet during the day, and the one remaining paddle had been securely tied by the Swede to the base of a tree, lest the wind should rob us of that too.  From five o’clock onwards I busied myself with the stew-pot and preparations for dinner, it being my turn to cook that night.  We had potatoes, onions, bits of bacon fat to add flavour, and a general thick residue from former stews at the bottom of the pot; with black bread broken up into it the result was most excellent, and it was followed by a stew of plums with sugar and a brew of strong tea with dried milk.  A good pile of wood lay close at hand, and the absence of wind made my duties easy.  My companion sat lazily watching me, dividing his attentions between cleaning his pipe and giving useless advice—­an admitted privilege of the off-duty man.  He had been very quiet all the afternoon, engaged in re-caulking the canoe, strengthening the tent ropes, and fishing for driftwood while I slept.  No more talk about undesirable things had passed between us, and I think his only remarks had to do with the gradual destruction of the island, which he declared was now fully a third smaller than when we first landed.

The pot had just begun to bubble when I heard his voice calling to me from the bank, where he had wandered away without my noticing.  I ran up.

“Come and listen,” he said, “and see what you make of it.”  He held his hand cupwise to his ear, as so often before.

Now do you hear anything?” he asked, watching me curiously.

We stood there, listening attentively together.  At first I heard only the deep note of the water and the hissings rising from its turbulent surface.  The willows, for once, were motionless and silent.  Then a sound began to reach my ears faintly, a peculiar sound—­something like the humming of a distant gong.  It seemed to come across to us in the darkness from the waste of swamps and willows opposite.  It was repeated at regular intervals, but it was certainly neither the sound of a bell nor the hooting of a distant steamer.  I can liken it to nothing so much as to the sound of an immense gong, suspended far up in the sky, repeating incessantly its muffled metallic note, soft and musical, as it was repeatedly struck.  My heart quickened as I listened.

“I’ve heard it all day,” said my companion.  “While you slept this afternoon it came all round the island.  I hunted it down, but could never get near enough to see—­to localize it correctly.  Sometimes it was overhead, and sometimes it seemed under the water.  Once or twice, too, I could have sworn it was not outside at all, but within myself—­you know—­the way a sound in the fourth dimension is supposed to come.”

Project Gutenberg
Famous Modern Ghost Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.