Beethoven eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about Beethoven.

Beethoven eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about Beethoven.

His return, no doubt, retarded his artistic development.  The musical atmosphere of Vienna would have been much better for him, especially at this period, when he was entering manhood and eager to get at the works of contemporary composers.  In those times only a small amount of the music that was written, was published.  Many of the lesser works were composed merely to grace some social function, with but little thought given them as to their ultimate fate.  It was customary to play from manuscript, copies of which were not readily attainable.  In a city like Vienna new music was constantly being produced, occasionally at public concerts, but most often at social gatherings.  The freemasonry existing among musicians and the wealthy amateurs was such that a musician of any talent was sure to be received, and put on a friendly footing.  No other city in Europe afforded such opportunities for musical culture as did Vienna.  It was the home of Mozart and Haydn and a host of lesser composers, as well as instrumentalists and singers.  Music in one form or another was the chief diversion of the better classes, the wealthier of whom maintained their private orchestra.  Many of these latter were fine performers, taking part regularly in the concerts given by their orchestras.

The next year we find Beethoven taking his meals at the Zehrgarten, where artists, professors from the university, and other notable people congregated.  It was at this period that he made the acquaintance of Count Ferdinand Waldstein, the first of the aristocratic circle of friends which surrounded him all his life.  Count Waldstein at twenty-four, on coming of age, entered the Germanic order, passing the year of his novitiate at the Court of the Elector at Bonn.  The senior by eight years, his influence over Beethoven was considerable, as is evidenced in many ways.  The Count was an enthusiastic amateur, visiting him frequently.  He gave him a piano, and was useful to him in many ways.  The social position of Count Waldstein was such that his friendly attitude toward Beethoven at once attracted the attention of others to the young musician.  From this time on he was able to choose his friends from among the best people of his native city.  The young man commemorated the friendship by taking an air of the Count’s, who was somewhat of a composer, and composing twelve variations for four hands for the piano from it.  Later, in 1805, after the Eroica Symphony and Fidelio, when the master had become famous, he composed the great Waldstein Sonata, opus 58, and dedicated it to him.  The Waldstein family became extinct with Ferdinand, but the name will live for centuries through these compositions.

Project Gutenberg
Beethoven from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.