Beethoven eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about Beethoven.

Beethoven eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about Beethoven.
  Requiem, 51, 212,
  Sonatas, 34, 139,
  his widow, 31,
  his operas at Bonn, 14. 
Mozart’s Mass in Bb, 51, 73,
  Agnus Dei of, 73,
  Et incarnatus of, 73,
  Kyrie of, 75. 
Mozart and Haydn, 11, 20, 33, 73, 74, 75, 131. 
Music, its function, 4,
  outward expression of, 39,
  dramas, great, 231,
  a language, 226, 227,
  Religious, 144,
  Origin in the dance, 99. 
Musician, the, social obligations of, 39. 
Mystery in life, 153, 225. 
Mysticism, and the artistic nature, 144.

Napoleon, 41, 44, 54, 83, 103, 191,
  Arch-enemy of Austria, 42,
  Campaign against Austria, 41, 42,
  escapes from Elba, 109,
  declared emperor, 44,
  Greatest military achievement, 42,
  In the toils, 107,
  Marriage to Archduchess Maria Louisa, 102,
  Marriage to Josephine, 43,
  overruns Germany, 69,
  takes Vienna, 54. 
National opera at Bonn, 13. 
Neate, Charles, 182. 
Neefe, Beethoven’s teacher, 6, 7, 17. 
New Testament, 161. 
Nietzsche, Friederich, 40, 216. 
Ninth Symphony (choral), 29, 96, 100, 166, 167, 172, 181, 196, 226,
  Choral finale, 170,
  an outburst of joy at deliverance, 164,
  First movement of, 163,
  First performance in this country, 165,
  Psychological problems in, 162,
  Sontag, and soprano part of, 160,
  Trombones in, 230,
  Variations in, 157. 
Nohl, 186. 
North America, 166, 180.

Ode to Joy, revolutionary spirit of, 165. 
Odeschalchi, Princess, 61. 
Opera, the, an alien soil to Beethoven, 49,
  as a work of art, 50,
  a combination of arts, 51. 
Operatic composition, 52. 
Orchestra, range and mobility of, 150,
  More important than voices, 150,
  its resources increased through Beethoven, 3. 
Orchestral forms, development of, 99. 
Ossian-like daemonism, 149. 
Ossian Songs (Schubert), 206.

Pain of existence, 132. 
Palestrina, 234,
  Masses of, 143. 
Paris Conservatoire, 16. 
Parsifal, 164 (footnote), 231, 235,
  mysticism of, Prelude to, 235. 
Passion music, 35, 144. 
Pastoral Sonata, 35. 
Pastoral Symphony (see Sixth Symphony). 
Patriotism and altruism, 43. 
Paur, Emil, 166. 
Pedal-point, 231. 
Pennsylvania, Founding of, libretto, 156. 
Persian literature, 140. 
Pessimism, 132. 
Pinnacle of greatness, 40. 
Pity, and the divine in man, 164. 
Plagal mode, 234. 
Plato, 230,
  Republic, 140. 
Playing from manuscript, 10. 
Philharmonic Society of New York, 166. 
Philharmonic Society of London 200, 207. 
Philip III, of Spain, daughter of, 204. 
Prague, 9, 109. 
Problem of life, 77, 164. 
Prometheus, Ballet, 33, 34, 35. 
Prussia, King of, 154. 
Psychological element, the, 27.

Project Gutenberg
Beethoven from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.