The Awakening of China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Awakening of China.

The Awakening of China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Awakening of China.
  into fee simple, 85
Shansi, province of, 54
  prolific of bankers, 54
  rich in agricultural and mineral resources, 54
Shantung, province of, 30-32
  apples, pears, and peaches grown, 30
  railway built by Germans from the sea to Tsinan-fu,30
Shanyu, a forerunner of the Grand Khan of Tartary, 111
[Page 323]
Shaohing, city, in Chehkiang province noted for its rice wine and
  lawyers, 23
Sheffield, Dr., president of Tung-chow College, 286
Shengking, province of Manchuria, 56
Shensi, province of, earliest home of the Chinese, 55
  monument at Si-ngan commemorating the introduction of Christianity by
  Nestorians, 55
Shi-hwang-ti, real founder of the Chinese Empire, 102
  devout believer in Taoism, 104
  sends a consignment of lads and lasses to Japan, 103
  though one of the heroes of history he is execrated for burning the
    writings of Confucius, 102
Shin-nung, “divine husbandman,” mythical ruler, worshipped as the Ceres
  of China, 72
Shu-king, the, or “Book of History,” one of the Five Classics edited
  by Confucius, 76
Shun, successor of Yao, rejects his own son and leaves throne to Ta-yue, 74
Shunteh-fu, American mission at, 40
Shun-ti, last monarch of the Yuen dynasty, 133
Si-ngan, city in Shensi, 55
  capital of the Chous, 55
  capital of the T’angs, 121
  Empress Dowager takes refuge there, 42
  monument commemorating the introduction of Christianity by Nestonans, 121
Sing Su Hai, “Sea of Stars,” cluster of lakes in Tibet, 63
Siun Kien founds the state of Wu, 112
Siu-tsai, literary degree equivalent to A. B., 122
Smith, Dr. Arthur, and thanksgiving service at raising of siege of British
  Legation, Peking, 178
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 266
Solatium to encourage honesty in public officials, 208
Spaniards, the, trade and relations with China, 137
St. John’s College, Shanghai, 287
Stoessel, General, and his defence of Port Arthur, 188
“Strange Stories of an Idle Student,” a popular work in Chinese depicting
  conditions prior to Opium War, 150-151
Streets, improvement in construction and protection of, 218
Sue of Shanghai, baptised by the name of Paul by Ricci, 138
  his daughter Candida also baptised, 138
Suchow, in Kiangsu, the Paris of the Far East, 25
  musical dialect, of, 26
Su Ts’in, the patient diplomat, whose reputation is ruined by his own
  passions, 99
[Page 324]
Sui dynasty, the, founded by Yan Kien, lasts less than thirty years, 117
Sundius, Mr., British consul at Wuhu, 227
Sung, one of the Nan-peh Chao, 116
Sung dynasty, founded by Chao-kwang-yun, 127
  annals, 127-128
  encroachment of the Tartars, 127
  rise of a great school of philosophy, 127-129
  Southern Sungs, 127
Superstitions of the Chinese, concerning wandering spirits, 21
Sven Hedin, explorer, 58
Swatow, Canton province, American Baptists’ Mission at, 15
Szechuen, province of, 50-51
  fratricidal wars under Ming dynasty, 51
  great variety of climate, 51
Szema Ts’ien, the Herodotus of China, 110
  barbarously treated by his people, 110

Project Gutenberg
The Awakening of China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.